RathianThe "Queen of the Land," these female fire- breathing wyverns are known for their powerful legs and lethal, poison-secreting tails.
RathalosFearsome wyverns known as "Kings of the Skies." Armed with powerful poison claws, they use their aerial prowess to descend on prey from above.
Guardian RathalosAn artificial species created by an ancient civilization with a Rathalos's power. Beware the energy released by their powerful claw attacks.
GraviosLarge wyverns found in the Oilwell Basin. Their highly developed carapaces repel attacks and emit powerful heat rays.
Yian Kut-KuBird wyverns with impressive beaks, big ears, and an appetite for insects. Skittish by nature, they will still put up a fight if threatened.
GypcerosMonsters that use their prominent crest to stun foes with disorienting flashes of light before finishing them off with poisonous saliva.
CongalalaLarge, pink fanged beasts. Beware their potent breath, which changes based on their mushroom diet, and stench, which disables recovery items.
BlangongaLarge, white fanged beasts that rule over other Blango, attacking as a pack. They exhibit a range of mobility, particularly in snowy climes.
NerscyllaTemnocerans that afflict poison, sleep, and webbing ailments—skillfully cornering prey, then hunting it with their pincer-like jaws.
Gore MagalaMonsters draped in great wings like a black overcoat. They have no eyes, so instead they use a scattering of fine scales to locate prey.
Guardian Fulgur AnjanathAn artificial species created by an ancient civilization with a Fulgur Anjanath's power. They can discharge lightning and have a nasty bite.
Guardian Ebony OdogaronAn artificial species created by an ancient civilization with an Ebony Odogaron's power. The flurries from their foreclaws pose a threat.
DoshagumaRugged, territorial fanged beasts that exhibit an aggressive disposition and inhabit a large range. Sometimes observed in large packs.
Guardian DoshagumaAn artificial species created by an ancient civilization with a Doshaguma's power. They boast an incredibly robust physique and can spew acid.
BalaharaDesert-dwelling leviathans that use their supple, serpentine bodies to create quicksand traps. Weak against sonic bombs when they're submerged.
ChatacabraAmphibians that affix rocks to their forelimbs to power up attacks. Break this "armor" to create an attack opening. The tongue is most vulnerable.
QuematriceBrute wyverns that spread flammable vapor which they then ignite with their tails. They subsist on prey stolen from other predators.
Lala BarinaTemnocerans native to the Scarlet Forest with distinctive, pirouette-like movements. The florets they release have a paralytic effect.
RompopoloDappled brute wyverns that prowl Oilwell Basin. The gas from their tongues is toxic, and the gas in their tails can detonate the earth.
Rey DauThe flying wyvern that reigns supreme over the Windward Plains' ecosystem. It is able to store, amplify, and discharge the Sandtide's lightning.
Uth DunaThe leviathan that reigns supreme over the Scarlet Forest's ecosystem. Its protective veil can also generate a wave to keep foes at bay.
Nu UdraThe cephalopod that reigns supreme over Oilwell Basin's ecosystem. A vision of hell, it attacks with tentacles and ignited oilsilt.
AjarakanFanged beasts that adhere metal to their bodies and use friction to heat and cause explosions. They move in groups during the Firespring.
ArkveldA wyvern with chain-like wings. The flexible chainblades on their wings are used to mow down prey and absorb elemental energy.
Guardian ArkveldAn artificial species created by an ancient civilization based on a presumed extinct, legendary monster called Arkveld.
HirabamiLeviathans that inhabit the Iceshard Cliffs. They have sharp, pincer-like tails and membranes on their necks that catch the wind to keep them aloft.
Jin DahaadA leviathan that sits at the peak of the Iceshard Cliffs' ecosystem. It generates cold air via cooling organs across its massive body.
Xu WuCephalopods that roam the Ruins of Wyveria and prey on Guardians. This often leads to conflicts between the two monsters.
Zoh ShiaA Guardian created to be Wyveria's savior. It was feeding off the Dragontorch, drawing from the vast stores of energy while it slumbered.
VespoidNeopterons with paralyzing poison stingers. They are quite fragile, so carefully take them down with your Slinger or poison to safely carve materials.
CongaFanged beasts with pink fur that prefer mild, damp climates. Generally, they don't form large packs and only live together in small numbers.
BlangoFanged beasts with snow-white pelts. Blango travel in packs with a Blangonga at the head, working together to eliminate intruders.
Ceratonoth (Male)Male Ceratonoth. They use their large spikes to disperse lightning into the ground and protect the females of their sizeable herds.
DalthydonHerbivores that move between habitats in response to environmental changes. When in danger, they use their head plating to fight back.
BulaqchiNeopterons that use swarming tactics to contain and subdue prey, then dissolve it from the inside. Sonic bombs will disable their sensory organs.
TaliothCarnivores that work together to attack intruders using their powerful jaws. A clever hunter can turn them against larger monsters.
BaunosWinged wyverns that vibrate their thoraxes to create a deafening roar. You can nab screamer pods from them using the Hook Slinger.
GajiosLeviathans with distinct snouts that live near water. Obtain bleeding pods by firing your Hook Slinger at them.
PiragillLeviathans with beautiful scales and blade-like protrusions. They primarily inhabit the Scarlet Forest, and hunt in highly organized packs.
HarpiosWinged wyverns that are identifiable by the long, sharp horn on their heads. Obtain piercing pods by firing the Hook Slinger at them.
KranodathSmall carnivores that prowl Oilwell Basin, hunting in small packs. They have been known to engage larger monsters while feeding.
ComaqchiNeopterons with well-developed tail stingers and forelegs. They surround prey in colonies, using their tails to inject a sleeping agent.
GelidronAmphibians that have adapted to their dry, hot habitat by producing a protective slime. Their tasty flesh makes them a target of carnivores.
RafmaHerbivores that live in herds in cold areas. They are targeted by predators as a source of sustenance where flora and fauna are scarce.
PorkeplumeBird wyverns with sharp bristles on their heads. Obtain Slinger ammo that is effective at creating wounds by firing your Hook Slinger at them.
Nerscylla HatchlingNewly-hatched Nerscylla larvae. They form colonies in the bodies of devoured prey, nests, and other hidey-holes, and react as a group when provoked.