Defender Meal (Lo)Sometimes decreases damage taken.
Defender Meal (Hi)Often decreases damage taken.
Black Belt Meal (Lo)Reduces stamina depletion when performing stamina-draining moves such as evading, etc.
Black Belt Meal (Hi)Greatly reduces stamina depletion when performing stamina-draining moves such as evading, etc.
Tumbler Meal (Lo)Slightly extends the invulnerability period when evading.
Tumbler Meal (Hi)Extends the invulnerability period when evading.
Moxie Meal (Lo)Prevents fainting one time when damage taken exceeds your remaining health.
Moxie Meal (Hi)Prevents fainting one time and heals you when damage taken exceeds your remaining health.
Caprice Meal (Lo)Repeatedly activates a temporary attack boost at random intervals.
Caprice Meal (Hi)Repeatedly activates a large temporary attack boost at random intervals.
Immunizer MealLessens the effects of various ailments.
Medic MealIncreases the amount of health recovered when healing.
Sizzling MealNegates the effects of hot or cold climates and increases defense while in such areas.
Swimmer MealIncreases attack when wet.
Specialist MealIncreases the potency of abnormal status attacks.
Gatherer MealSometimes increases the number of resources per gather of bones, ore, and other gatherable items.
Insurance Meal
Lucky Meal
Carver Meal
Capture Pro Meal
Exploiter Meal
Rider Meal
Riser Meal
Iron Carver Meal
Escape Artist Meal
Balanced Meal
Trainer Meal
Bulldozer Meal
Hardy Meal
Piping-Hot Meal
Break-time Meal
Fortune Hunter Meal
Fisher Meal
Top Cat Meal