Felyne Duna SpearThis weapon made from Uth Duna parts stands as a symbol of the forest's boundless blessing.
Felyne Hope HammerA hammer made for the expedition. Better aimed toward research than hunting, but it's very easy to use!
Felyne Chata Clobberer αA hammer modeled after the tough jaw of a Chatacabra. Even has the tongue in there!
Felyne Chata ClobbererA hammer modeled after the tough jaw of a Chatacabra. Even has the tongue in there!
F Guardian Dosha Knuckle αA Guardian Doshaguma weapon that commands its bearer to lash out at any who draw near.
Felyne Barina NeedleThe thorn of a Lala Barina fashioned into a weapon. Sharp in more ways than one!
F Doshaguma KnuckleTaking up this Doshaguma weapon makes the wielder want to chomp its fangs into, well, everything.
Felyne Barina Needle αThe thorn of a Lala Barina fashioned into a weapon. Sharp in more ways than one!
Felyne Nerscylla WedgeMade from the keenest Nerscylla parts, its sharp edge snares prey as easily as spider silk.
Felyne Balahara Drill αEqual parts weapon and tool, this Balahara drill can easily break down ore to collect.
Felyne Iron Sword αA large sword made by smelting down fine ore and hammering it for three days straight. Certified lethal.
Felyne Hirabami Fan αA legendary fan of Hirabami hide, able to conjure the wind and rain with a single swing...is what inspired this replica.
F Guardian Ark SwordEach slash of this Guardian Arkveld sword causes newfound strength to well up in its wielder.
F Rompopolo Blaster αThis Rompopolo weapon is designed to supply a constant flow of poison, but doesn't actually shoot any.
F Guardian Ebony SickleA Guardian Ebony Odogaron weapon that commands its bearer to lash out at any who draw near.
Felyne Matrice SpearThe banner hung from this Quematrice pike will rally the brave. To arms—or, uh, paws...
Felyne Iron SwordA large sword made by smelting down fine ore and hammering it for three days straight. Certified lethal.
Felyne Hirabami FanA legendary fan of Hirabami hide, able to conjure the wind and rain with a single swing...is what inspired this replica.
Felyne Conga Tambourine αEven in the paws of a pitch- perfect Palico, this Congalala tambourine is always sharp.
Athos's Hinge Blade αA keen blade to match Athos, Astrum Unit's elite Palico. Twisting the haft transforms the weapon into a boomerang.
Felyne Acorn SpadeA much-beloved weapon for Palicoes who once explored the New World. Doubles as a handy trowel for use in the garden!
Felyne Dau NaginataEach swing of this glaive carves sky and earth with the fury of its namesake's thunderous wingbeats.
Felyne Matrice Spear αThe banner hung from this Quematrice pike will rally the brave. To arms—or, uh, paws...
Felyne Gypceros Glare αAn ancient weapon governing resurrection. Its mystic power makes rank fish fresh again.
Felyne Rathalos Blade αA sword made of Rathalos parts. Blazing wyvern breath spews forth with every slash.
F Ajarakan StaffAn Ajarakan staff that ignites the wielder's fighting spirit and burns the wicked to ash.
Felyne Trekker PeckaxeAn essential weapon for Palicoes who once ventured into the Hinterlands. Also makes for a great hiking stick.
Felyne Arkveld Sword αThe squire of a lost kingdom fought against fate alongside their knightly master with this Arkveld blade in paw.
Felyne Conga TambourineEven in the paws of a pitch- perfect Palico, this Congalala tambourine is always sharp.
Felyne Dahaad Mace αA Jin Dahaad scepter that resembles the regalia of a queen who once ruled with an ice-cold fist.
Felyne Udra Vessel αA Nu Udra weapon. As you gaze into its depths, it gazes back at you.
Felyne Balahara DrillEqual parts weapon and tool, this Balahara drill can easily break down ore to collect.
Felyne Udra VesselA Nu Udra weapon. As you gaze into its depths, it gazes back at you.
Felyne Bone Hammer αA light yet durable hammer slapped together from easy-to-find bones.
F Guardian Fulgur Maul αA Guardian Fulgur Anjanath weapon that commands its bearer to lash out at any who draw near.
Felyne Blango Banana αHewn from a Blangonga's tusk, this weapon bears the faint scent of bananas.
Felyne Nerscylla Wedge αMade from the keenest Nerscylla parts, its sharp edge snares prey as easily as spider silk.
Felyne Dau Naginata αEach swing of this glaive carves sky and earth with the fury of its namesake's thunderous wingbeats.
Felyne Artian Disc αA disc-shaped weapon made from a mysterious mined metal. Slices its target into pieces.
F Guardian Rath Blade αA Guardian Rathalos weapon that commands its bearer to lash out at any who draw near.
Felyne Kut-Ku Cutter αA grand sword made of Yian Kut-Ku parts. (No, it's not a fan... Stop asking.)
F Hope Hammer αA hammer made for the expedition. Better aimed toward research than hunting, but it's very easy to use!
F Guardian Rath BladeA Guardian Rathalos weapon that commands its bearer to lash out at any who draw near.
Felyne Duna Spear αThis weapon made from Uth Duna parts stands as a symbol of the forest's boundless blessing.
Felyne Xu Wu Orb αThis Xu Wu crystal orb shows the cruelest future; and the talisman shows the path to avoid its coming.
F Ajarakan Staff αAn Ajarakan staff that ignites the wielder's fighting spirit and burns the wicked to ash.
F Guardian Ark Sword αEach slash of this Guardian Arkveld sword causes newfound strength to well up in its wielder.
F Guardian Dosha KnuckleA Guardian Doshaguma weapon that commands its bearer to lash out at any who draw near.
Felyne Katzenfunzel αThe fell glow of this evil Gore Magala weapon casts more shadow than light.
F Rompopolo BlasterThis Rompopolo weapon is designed to supply a constant flow of poison, but doesn't actually shoot any.
Felyne Deathgear Scythe αA fearsome scythe that cleaves away consciousness. Even the largest prey fall instantly into restful slumber.
Felyne Grav Bazooka αContains the full force of an eruptive volcano. Marvel at the fire of a Palico's soul!
F Doshaguma Knuckle αTaking up this Doshaguma weapon makes the wielder want to chomp its fangs into, well, everything.
F Guardian Ebony Sickle αA Guardian Ebony Odogaron weapon that commands its bearer to lash out at any who draw near.
Felyne Bone HammerA light yet durable hammer slapped together from easy-to-find bones.
Felyne Xu Wu OrbThis Xu Wu crystal orb shows the cruelest future; and the talisman shows the path to avoid its coming.
Felyne Rathian Rapier αThe strength of a queen slumbers in this gorgeous, emerald Rathian sword.