Attack Boost | Increases attack power. |
Offensive Guard | Temporarily increases attack power after executing a perfectly-timed guard. |
Critical Eye | Increases affinity. |
Critical Boost | Increases the damage of critical hits. |
Critical Draw | Increases affinity when performing draw attacks. (Not effective while riding.) |
Fire Attack | Increases fire element attack power. (Elemental attack power has a maximum limit.) |
Water Attack | Increases water element attack power. (Elemental attack power has a maximum limit.) |
Ice Attack | Increases ice element attack power. (Elemental attack power has a maximum limit.) |
Thunder Attack | Increases thunder element attack power. (Elemental attack power has a maximum limit.) |
Dragon Attack | Increases dragon element attack power. (Elemental attack power has a maximum limit.) |
Poison Attack | Increases the rate of poison buildup. (Poison buildup has a maximum limit.) |
Paralysis Attack | Increases the rate of paralysis buildup. (Paralysis buildup has a maximum limit.) |
Sleep Attack | Increases the rate of sleep buildup. (Sleep buildup has a maximum limit.) |
Blast Attack | Increases the rate of blast buildup. (Blast buildup has a maximum limit.) |
Critical Element | Increases elemental damage (fire, water, thunder, ice, dragon) when landing critical hits. |
Critical Status | Increases abnormal status effects (paralysis, poison, sleep, blast) when landing critical hits. |
Charge Master | Increases element power and status buildup for charged attacks. |
Handicraft | Extends the weapon sharpness gauge. However, it will not increase the gauge past its maximum. |
Razor Sharp | Prevents your weapon from losing sharpness. |
Protective Polish | Weapon sharpness does not decrease for a set time after sharpening. |
Mind's Eye | Your attacks are deflected less and deal more damage to hard targets. |
Bludgeoner | Increases attack power when your weapon sharpness is low. |
Master's Touch | Prevents your weapon from losing sharpness during critical hits. |
Normal Shots | Increases the attack power of Normal Ammo, normal arrows, and Flying Swallow Shot. |
Piercing Shots | Increases the attack of the bowgun's Pierce Ammo, and the bow's Dragon Piercer and Thousand Dragons. |
Spread/Power Shots | Increases the attack of the bowgun's Spread Ammo and the bow's Power Shots and Quick Shots. |
Ballistics | Extends the range in which ammo and arrows have maximum power. |
Rapid Fire Up | Improves light bowgun rapid fire. |
Opening Shot | Increases the bowgun's reload speed and increases the power of bullets when fully loaded. |
Tetrad Shot | Increases affinity of bowgun ammo/ coatings from the fourth shot and attack of the fourth and sixth shots. |
Special Ammo Boost | Increases the power of the bowgun's special ammo, and the bow's Dragon Piercer, Thousand Dragons, and Tracer. |
Poison Functionality | Allows you to apply poison coatings. |
Para Functionality | Allows you to apply paralysis coatings. |
Sleep Functionality | Allows you to apply sleep coatings. |
Blast Functionality | Allows you to apply blast coatings. |
Exhaust Functionality | Allows you to apply exhaust coatings. |
Focus | Increases the fill rate for weapons with gauges and the charge rate for weapons with charge attacks. |
Power Prolonger | Allows long swords, dual blades, insect glaives, switch axes, and charge blades to stay powered up longer. |
Punishing Draw | Adds a stun effect to draw attacks and slightly increases attack power. (Not effective while riding.) |
Slugger | Makes it easier to stun monsters. |
Stamina Thief | Increases certain attacks' ability to exhaust monsters. |
Artillery | Strengthens explosive attacks like shells, Wyvern's Fire, charge blade phial attacks, and Sticky Ammo. |
Rapid Morph | Increases switch speed and power for switch axes and charge blades. |
Horn Maestro | Increases the effect duration of hunting horn melodies. (Effect lost when you change weapons.) |
Charge Up | Increases your power to induce stun when you hit a monster with a hammer's charged attack. |
Airborne | Increases the damage caused by jumping attacks. |
Poison Duration Up | Extends the duration of your poison's effect on monsters. |
Guard | Reduces knockbacks and stamina depletion when guarding. |
Guard Up | Allows you to guard against ordinarily unblockable attacks. |
Load Shells | Improves reloading, and increases the gunlance's shell capacity and charge blade's phial capacity. |
Speed Sharpening | Speeds up weapon sharpening when using a whetstone. |
Resentment | Increases attack when you have recoverable damage (the red portion of your Health Gauge). |
Adrenaline Rush | Temporarily increases attack power after executing a perfectly-timed evade just as a monster attacks. |
Peak Performance | Increases attack when your health is full. |
Counterstrike | Temporarily increases attack power after being knocked back. |
Weakness Exploit | Increases the affinity of attacks that exploit a monster's weak points and wounds. |
Maximum Might | Increases affinity if stamina is kept full for a period of time. |
Convert Element | After taking elemental damage, temporarily grants you dragon element effects. (Cooldown after effect ends.) |
Defense Boost | Increases defense. Also improves resistances at higher levels. |
Divine Blessing | Has a predetermined chance of reducing the damage you take. |
Fire Resistance | Increases fire resistance. Also improves defense at higher levels. |
Water Resistance | Increases water resistance. Also improves defense at higher levels. |
Thunder Resistance | Increases thunder resistance. Also improves defense at higher levels. |
Ice Resistance | Increases ice resistance. Also improves defense at higher levels. |
Dragon Resistance | Increases dragon resistance. Also improves defense at higher levels. |
Poison Resistance | Reduces damage while poisoned. |
Paralysis Resistance | Reduces the duration of paralysis. |
Sleep Resistance | Reduces the duration of sleep. |
Iron Skin | Grants protection against defense down. |
Blight Resistance | Grants protection against all elemental blights. |
Stun Resistance | Reduces the duration of stun. |
Bleeding Resistance | Grants protection against bleeding. |
Bind Resistance | Grants protection against webbed status and frostblight. |
Blast Resistance | Grants protection against blastblight. |
Stench Resistance | Grants protection against stench. |
Adaptability | Grants protection against environmental damage, such as from heat or cold. |
Recovery Up | Increases the amount recovered when restoring health. |
Recovery Speed | Speeds healing of recoverable damage (the red portion of the Health Gauge). |
Survival Expert | Extra health is recovered from environmental interactables. |
Constitution | Reduces stamina depletion when evading, blocking, or doing certain other actions. |
Stamina Surge | Speeds up stamina recovery. |
Marathon Runner | Slows down stamina depletion for actions that continuously drain stamina (such as dashing). |
Hunger Resistance | Reduces maximum stamina depletion over time. |
Agitator | Increases attack power and affinity when large monsters become enraged. |
Latent Power | Temporarily increases affinity and reduces stamina depletion when certain conditions are met. |
Heroics | Increases attack power and defense when health drops to 35% or lower. |
Burst | Continuously landing hits gradually increases attack and elemental attack. (Amount increased depends on weapon.) |
Foray | Increases attack power and affinity against large monsters affected by poison or paralysis. |
Flayer | Makes it easier to inflict wounds. Upon inflicting enough damage, also deals additional non-elemental damage. |
Palico Rally | Powers up Palicoes. |
Partbreaker | Makes it easier to break large monster parts, and increases damage dealt when destroying a wound with a Focus Strike. |
Coalescence | Temporarily increases elemental attack power and status effects after recovering from blights or abnormal status. |
Ambush | Temporarily increases damage to large monsters with a successful Sneak Attack. |
Antivirus | Once infected, makes it easier to overcome the Frenzy and increases affinity if cured. |
Elemental Absorption | After taking elemental damage, temporarily grants you element effects. (Cooldown after effect ends) |
Self-Improvement | Attack and defense increase as time passes while on a quest. (The maximum is reached after 30 minutes.) |
Evade Window | Extends the invulnerability period when evading. |
Evade Extender | Increases evade distance. |
Earplugs | Grants protection from large monsters' roars. |
Quick Sheathe | Speeds up weapon sheathing. |
Windproof | Grants protection against wind pressure. |
Tremor Resistance | Grants protection against ground tremors. |
Flinch Free | Prevents knockbacks and other reactions to small damage. |
Intimidator | Reduces the chance small monsters will attack after spotting you. (Has no effect on certain monsters.) |
Speed Eating | Increases meat-eating and item-consumption speed. |
Aquatic/Oilsilt Mobility | Grants resistance against impairments to mobility while in water, oilsilt, or streams. |
Shock Absorber | Disables damage reactions when you hit a friend or when a friend hits you. |
Leap of Faith | Allows you to do a dive-evade when facing towards large monsters and extends the dive-evade distance. |
Jump Master | Prevents attacks from knocking you back during a jump. |
Cliffhanger | Decreases stamina depletion when climbing on vines. |
Wide-Range | Allows the effects of certain items to also affect nearby allies. |
Tool Specialist | Reduces the recharge time for specialized tools. |
Bombardier | Increases the damage of explosive items. |
Mushroomancer | Lets you digest mushrooms that would otherwise be inedible and gain their advantageous effects. |
Item Prolonger | Extends the duration of some item effects. |
Free Meal | Gives you a predetermined chance of consuming a food or drink item for free. |
Blindsider | Improves the effectiveness of flash attacks and items. |
Botanist | Increases the quantity of herbs and other consumable items you gather. |
Geologist | Increases the number of items you gain at gathering points. |
Entomologist | The bodies of small insect monsters won't be destroyed, allowing them to be carved. |
Outdoorsman | Improves fishing, grilling, and transporting abilities. |
Neopteron Alert | 3 → Increases the amount of honey you gain from gathering points. |
Neopteron Camouflage | 3 → Increases movement speed while crouching, and makes it easier to escape large monsters' detection. |
Scaling Prowess | 3 → Makes it easier to mount monsters and to wound them once mounted. |
Scale Layering | 3 → Temporarily reduces stamina depletion when health is at 40% or lower. |
Flexible Leathercraft | 3 → Increases gathering speed, and prevents knock back when gathering or carving. |
Buttery Leathercraft | 3 → Increases your affinity temporarily when sliding on terrain. |
Fortifying Pelt | 3 → Increases attack and defense after fainting during a quest. (Can be used twice.) |
Alluring Pelt | 3 → Increases the attention drawn to you when attacking a monster. |
Lord's Favor | 3 → Temporarily increases attack power when using effects like Melody Effects that affect companions in range. |
Lord's Fury | 3 → Increases attack when inflicted with ailments. |
Guardian's Pulse | 3 → Increases recovery speed of stamina and red gauge when near Wylkrystals. |
Guardian's Protection | 3 → Reduces elemental and unique damage while in the Ruins of Wyveria. |
Imparted Wisdom | 3 → Increases the chance of finding rare gathering points. |
Doshaguma's Might | 2 → Temporarily grants attack +10 after a successful Power Clash or Offset attack 4 → Temporarily grants attack +25 after a successful Power Clash or Offset attack |
Rathalos's Flare | 2 → Chance to deal additional fire damage after landing an attack. 4 → Increases additional fire damage after landing an attack. |
Xu Wu's Vigor | 2 → Temporarily grants attack +15 after eating items such as well-done steak. 4 → Temporarily grants attack +25 after eating items such as well-done steak. |
Gravios's Protection | 2 → Reduces the damage you take by 5% when your health is full. 4 → Reduces the damage you take by 10% when your health is full. |
Blangonga's Spirit | 2 → Using the To Victory! gesture moderately increases attack temporarily to nearby allies. Greatly effects Palicoes and Support Hunters. 4 → Using the To Victory! gesture increases attack temporarily to nearby allies. Greatly effects Palicoes and Support Hunters. |
Ebony Odogaron's Power | 2 → Extends the duration of the Burst skill and grants attack +3 while Burst is active. 4 → Further extends the duration of the Burst skill and grants attack +10 while Burst is active. |
Fulgur Anjanath's Will | 2 → Grants an additional Stamina Gauge. 4 → Grants an additional long Stamina Gauge. |
Uth Duna's Cover | 2 → Increases defense temporarily when using a specialized tool. 4 → Greatly increases defense and resistance temporarily when using a specialized tool. |
Rey Dau's Voltage | 2 → Moderately extends the activation time of the Latent Power skill. 4 → Extends the activation time of the Latent Power skill. |
Nu Udra's Mutiny | 2 → Deals moderate additional damage while the Resentment skill is active. 4 → Deals additional damage while the Resentment skill is active. |
Jin Dahaad's Revolt | 2 → Increases attack after recovering from webbed status, frostblight, being pinned, or a Power Clash. 4 → Greatly increases attack after recovering from webbed status, frostblight, being pinned, or a Power Clash. |
Gore Magala's Tyranny | 2 → Infects you with Frenzy when against large monsters. 4 → Infects you with Frenzy and raises attack when against large monsters. Attack power increases upon recovery. |
Arkveld's Hunger | 2 → Regenerates a small amount of your health as you continually attack a monster. Recovery varies by weapon. 4 → Regenerates your health as you continually attack a monster. Recovery varies by weapon. |
Guardian Arkveld's Vitality | 2 → Restores a moderate amount of health when destroying a wound on a large monster. 4 → Restores health when destroying a wound on a large monster. |