
Winged wyverns that are identifiable by the long, sharp horn on their heads—which just so happen to make great Slinger ammo. Large as the Harpios may be, they never attack hunters, choosing instead to stay by the water and prey on fish. On occasions when large fish scare the smaller ones to the surface, you might even get to see a bona fide Harpios feeding frenzy.
Body15 HP
Head15 HP

Effective Status Effects

PoisonPoison slowly drains the monster's health for a short amount of time.20 (+30) → 80350-5/10sec
SleepThe monster slumbers a short while. Attacking will awaken it, but the first attack will do more damage.30 (+20) → 700-5/10sec
ParalysisThe monster is paralyzed and cannot move for a short amount of time.20 (+10) → 400-5/10sec
BlastblightBlast element builds as you attack. Once a certain threshold is reached, it detonates, causing damage.30 (+10) → 50100-5/10sec
StunAttacking a monster's head many times with a blunt weapon will KO them, leaving them wide open.45 (+25) → 950-5/10sec
ExhaustOnce blunt damage buildup reaches a certain level, the monster will lose a portion of its stamina.0 (+0) → 00-0/0sec

High-rank Materials

Wingdrake Hide+Carving100%
Sturdy BoneCarving (Rotten Monster Carcass)100%