PotionRestores a small amount of health.
Mega PotionRestores a moderate amount of health.
AntidoteA cure for poison.
Max PotionFully restores health and temporarily maximizes the size of your Health Gauge.
Ancient PotionFully restores health and temporarily maximizes the size of your Health and Stamina Gauges.
NulberryA mysterious berry that cures various blights.
RationFood that restores a bit of stamina. It can also be used on the Portable BBQ Grill to have a meal.
Well-done SteakA hearty roast that restores health and stamina and boosts both their max gauges. So tasty!
Rare SteakRestores health and stamina and moderately increases the size of your Health Gauge temporarily.
Burnt MeatRestores stamina, but it may be a bit too charred to provide any healing effects...
LifepowderProduces a cloud that heals you and anyone nearby.
Raw MeatMeat carved from a monster. Can be cooked, combined, or used to set a trap.
Barrel BombA small time bomb.
Large Barrel BombA bomb that can be rolled after placing it on the ground. Strike it to trigger a powerful blast.
Flash PodSlinger ammo that causes a violent flash on impact. Will temporarily blind monsters if used in front of them.
StoneSlinger ammo that can be used to hit faraway plant life and bombs.
Capture NetA net that can be fired from your Slinger. Use it to capture small creatures.
Pitfall TrapA trap for catching large monsters. It is tripped by heavy weight.
Shock TrapA trap that immobilizes a target. Use it to capture monsters.
WhetstoneA standard-sized whetstone. Use it to restore a weapon's sharpness.
BinocularsA tool that magnifies distant objects and lets you learn more about them.
Camping KitA kit with all the tools to make camp. Use to set up and edit Pop-up Camps in available campsites.
Portable BBQ GrillA portable BBQ grill that can be used for grilling up raw meat and other ingredients.
HerbA primary ingredient in potions.
Antidote HerbA primary ingredient in antidotes.
HoneyHighly nutritious honey. Combine with potions to make the more potent mega potion.
Bitterbug BrothBitterbug essence that has innate healing abilities. Used as a component in many medicines.
Flashbug PhosphorLuminous essence from an insect that emits a powerful flash when it dies. Used to craft flash pods.
Godbug EssenceEssence from an insect said to live a millennium. Combine it with other items to add their properties.
Thunderbug CapacitorSubstance from an insect that emits electricity when struck. Required to craft Shock Traps and Thunder Ammo.
Doshaguma HideA Doshaguma hide. The numerous scars on its body are proof of its beastly, aggressive nature.
Doshaguma FurDoshaguma fur. It makes a durable crafting material thanks to its stiff, bristly texture.
Doshaguma ClawA Doshaguma claw. Sharp as it is tough, it can cut through muscled prey without a single chip.
Doshaguma FangA Doshaguma fang. They grow large and sharp so they can pierce their prey with ease.
Beast GemA valuable jewel formed from coagulated juices inside a monster. Glows wildly.
Normal AmmoStandard ammo. Fires multiple shots with each pull of the trigger. Unlimited capacity.
Pierce AmmoArmor-piercing ammo. Depending on the monster, it can deal multiple hits. Unlimited capacity.
Spread AmmoAmmo made for close combat. Short range but high power. Unlimited capacity.
Sticky AmmoPowerful ammo that lodges in a target and explodes. Headshots stun.
Cluster BombAmmo that fragments into multiple shells upon impact. Beware of friendly fire!
Flaming AmmoAmmo that packs a punch against monsters susceptible to fire.
Water AmmoAmmo that packs a punch against monsters susceptible to water.
Thunder AmmoAmmo that packs a punch against monsters susceptible to thunder.
Freeze AmmoAmmo that packs a punch against monsters susceptible to ice.
Dragon AmmoAmmo that packs a punch against monsters weak to dragon.
Poison AmmoAmmo that inflicts poison. Some targets require multiple shots in order for the status to take effect.
Paralysis AmmoAmmo that causes paralysis. Some targets require multiple shots in order for the status to take effect.
Sleep AmmoAmmo that induces sleep. Some targets require multiple shots in order for the status to take effect.
Slicing AmmoAmmo that ejects sharp blades on impact, which can sever tails.
Thorngrass PodSlinger ammo that lodges into a target. Attacking where it's lodged deals extra damage.
Iron OreOre that can be smelted into a multi-purpose metal.
Machalite OreOre mined from mineral veins. Refined Machalite Steel is far sturdier than its iron cousin.
Dragonite OreOre sourced from mining outcrops. A rare material coveted for its durability in armor crafting.
Carbalite OreOre obtained from mining outcrops. Still under research, but known to yield highly pure metal.
Earth CrystalCrystallized microbes sourced from mining outcrops. Coveted as an abrasive for polishing equipment.
Mystery BoneA weathered bone taken from a bonepile. Erosion has left it too fragile to use in crafting.
Sturdy BoneA rigid bone taken from a bonepile. Durable but light and easy to handle.
Brute BoneA sturdy bone from a beast. Easy to use in crafting.
Colossal BoneA massive bone from a beast. Carefully cut out and used for crafting.
Dragonbone RelicA high-quality bone taken from a bonepile. The remains of a dragon that once roamed these lands.
MandragoraA dangerous fungus said to draw the life out of people. Required to craft immunizers and max potions.
Blue MushroomA mushroom infused with power-enhancing effects. Used in restorative items.
Burst PodSlinger ammo that detonates on impact. Use it to stagger a monster when you're in a pinch.
Screamer PodSlinger ammo that emits a harsh, high-frequency sound that can disrupt sensitive monsters.
Bleeding PodSlinger ammo that can be used to inflict massive damage on monster wounds.
Dung PodSlinger ammo that releases a strong odor on impact. Causes certain monsters to flee.
Trap ToolA must-have item for putting together pitfall traps and shock traps.
ExciteshroomHas a very strange aroma. Is it edible? Is it deadly? Required to make farcasters.
SmokenutA nut that produces torrents of smoke. Combine with other items to add more effects.
IvyA lightweight and extremely strong plant. Used to make nets for pitfall traps.
FarcasterCall for a wingdrake to transport you to the nearest camp. Can also be used during combat.
Balahara ShellA Balahara shell. The fulgurite it has absorbed enhances its hardness.
Balahara ScaleA Balahara scale. The erosion caused by constant digging limits its usefulness in crafting.
Balahara SkullThe skull of a Balahara. Stronger than most, it's built to withstand harsh dives into sand.
Balahara TailA Balahara tail. Its unique, twisted shape allows it to propel itself through earth with great force.
Chatacabra JawThe mandible plating of a Chatacabra. Hard protrusions stud the thick but supple leather.
Chatacabra HideThe thick hide of a Chatacabra. Elastic and easy to mold thanks to the monster's gluttonous diet.
Chatacabra ShellPlating that covers a Chatacabra's forelimbs. A lifetime of licking has left it both smooth and sturdy.
Chatacabra ScaleA jagged scale from a Chatacabra's hide, especially tough and well suited for use in crafting armor.
Quematrice ScaleThe scale of a Quematrice. Its fine texture acts as a natural file used to grind and polish armor.
Quematrice HideThe hide of a Quematrice. Quite thick despite its wrinkly form, it is highly resistant to fire.
Quematrice CrestThe crest of a Quematrice. Its flamboyant red color serves as a decoy to would-be predators.
Quematrice TailThe tail of a Quematrice. Its many pleats scrape against each other to create sparks.
Wyvern GemThroughout a wyvern's life, impurities gather and form this peculiar gem.
Herbivore ShellPart of a shell taken from an herbivore. Relatively sturdy for a small monster material.
Bulaqchi ShellA Bulaqchi shell. Great for crafting thanks to its advanced durability and light weight.
Talioth ScaleA Talioth scale. Conditioned in harsh environments, it is built to protect the body like armor.
Sharp FangFangs come in many shapes and sizes. Choose the right fang for the job.
Wingdrake HideA material carved from wingdrakes. Lightweight and often used when crafting armor.
Acute FangFangs come in many shapes and sizes. This one is small but can still pierce scale.
DungIts eye-watering stench makes useful Slinger ammo.
Rolled-up DungA ball of condensed monster dung. Used to make dung pods for your Slinger.
Rathian Scale+A superior Rathian scale. Looks like a normal Rathian scale but is much harder.
Rathian CarapaceRathian carapace prized for its lavish green coloration. An excellent armor material.
Rathian WebbingA quality Rathian wing membrane. This heat-resistant material is often used as armor lining.
Rathian Spike+Rathian hairs, keen as a sword. Longer and sturdier than normal, they also contain more poison.
Rathian RubyA rare, precious gem from inside a Rathian. Almost too nice to use.
ToadstoolA mushroom with poison properties. Needed to craft Poison Ammo and smoke bombs.
ParashroomA mushroom that induces paralysis. Needed to craft Paralysis Ammo and tranq bombs.
Sleep HerbA plant containing sleeping agents. Needed to craft Sleep Ammo and tranq bombs.
Fire HerbA wondrous, flammable plant. Useful for crafting explosives and Flaming Ammo.
FlowfernThis plant's leaves store a great amount of water. A component for making Water Ammo.
Snow HerbA plant that radiates ice-cold air. Use in combinations to create Freeze Ammo.
Dragonfell BerryA mysterious berry rumored for eons to be loathed by dragons. Required to craft Dragon Ammo.
First-aid MedRestores a small amount of health. Returned after quest completion.
EZ RationRestores a small amount of stamina. Not usable with Portable BBQ Grill. Returned after quest completion.
EZ Flash BombSlinger ammo that explodes with a bright flash after it's fired. Returned after quest completion.
EZ Shock TrapA trap that immobilizes a target. Use it to capture monsters. Returned after quest completion.
EZ Pitfall TrapActivates a pitfall to catch monsters with. Returned after quest completion.
Gloamgrass BudA plant with healing properties. Combine with Godbug essence to unleash its true potential.
Might SeedTemporarily strengthens your attacks when ingested by improving energy flow.
Adamant SeedTemporarily raises your defense when ingested by hardening tissue.
NitroshroomA hard-to-find mushroom with the power to generate blazing heat. Required to craft gunpowder.
Devil's BlightA very rare fungus that pulses with extreme heat. Add to a barrel bomb for a dramatically stronger blast.
BlastnutA nut that explodes its hard contents on impact. Used to make Sticky Ammo.
SlashberryA berry that shatters into razor-like pieces. Used to make Slicing Ammo.
Rey Dau ScaleA Rey Dau scale. Its unique shape allows electricity from its organs to pass through.
Rey Dau ShellThe shell from a Rey Dau. Highly conductive and capable of producing large electrical currents.
Rey Dau ThunderhornAn electrically charged Rey Dau horn. The thick, flexible muscle at its base lets it move freely.
Rey Dau WingtalonThe claw-shaped energy conduit of a Rey Dau. Coated in sharp fulgurite blades formed by electric discharges.
Rey Dau TailA Rey Dau tail. Its fulgurite- covered spines rub together to produce a threatening melody.
Rey Dau PlateA Rey Dau plate. The backward- facing scale accumulates a massive amount of energy.
Tranq BladeA knife coated with a tranquilizer that can be shot from your Slinger to put trapped monsters to sleep.
Smoke BombCreates a large cloud of smoke when thrown against the ground that can hide you from a monster's sight.
PowercharmAn amulet that strengthens attacks. Just carrying this gives you demonic strength.
ArmorcharmAn amulet that increases defense. Just carrying this makes your skin stone hard.
Wyvern AmmoAmmo created through years of research into Wyvern's Fire. Short ranged, but destructive.
Grounding PodSlinger ammo that can dissipate electricity from the area it lands.
Mystery Orb - ArmorA sphere with faint power that is revealed through appraisal. Becomes a defensive decoration.
Glowing Orb - ArmorA sphere with hidden power that is revealed through appraisal. Becomes a defensive decoration.
Ancient Orb - ArmorA sphere with incredible power that is revealed through appraisal. Becomes a defensive decoration.
Damaged Weapon ShardAn old, damaged weapon part. Needs to be appraised.
Rusted Weapon ShardAn old, rusted weapon part. Needs to be appraised.
Ghillie MantleTemporarily conceal yourself from view. The effect ends if you perform an attack or take damage.
Fishing RodA tool for fishing. Cast the lure into bodies of water and use the reel to wind in the line.
Energy DrinkA Guild-approved beverage that boosts your stamina. Helps shake off sleep, too!
Dash JuiceRecovers stamina and also temporarily reduces stamina depletion when performing actions.
ImmunizerTemporarily boosts your natural ability to recover lost health.
Cool DrinkProvides temporary relief from extreme heat.
Hot DrinkProvides temporary relief from extreme cold.
DemondrugTemporarily boosts your attack power by filling you with demonic strength.
Might PillTemporarily endows you with the strength of a mighty god. Potent!
Mega DemondrugTemporarily boosts your attack power even more than a regular Demondrug.
ArmorskinTemporarily boosts your defense by turning your skin as hard as rock.
Adamant PillTemporarily makes your skin as hard as adamant. Potent!
Mega ArmorskinTemporarily boosts your defense even more than regular Armorskin.
Herbal MedicineRemoves all traces of poison and restores a slight amount of health.
Herbal PowderProduces a cloud that cures poison and heals you a bit.
Demon PowderA mysterious powder that produces a cloud around the area that temporarily strengthens attacks.
Hardshell PowderA mysterious powder; when dispersed, temporarily strengthens defense.
Dust of LifeProduces a cloud that restores a large amount of health for you and anyone nearby.
CleanserImmediately removes any frost or webbing on your body.
Poison Smoke BombReleases a cloud of toxic mist when used. Also popular as a household bug bomb.
Tranq BombA hand grenade used to capture monsters ensnared in traps. Can be slammed against the ground.
Throwing KnifeA knife that can be equipped to your Slinger. Can be coated with a range of substances.
Poison PodSlinger ammo that inflicts poison on a target upon impact.
Para PodSlinger ammo that inflicts paralysis on a target upon impact.
Drugged MeatRaw meat that puts whatever eats it to sleep. Makes great bait for traps.
BrightmossSlinger ammo that illuminates dark areas when fired and can dazzle flying monsters.
Torch PodSlinger ammo that can be used to scare away creatures that don't like fire and draw in those that do.
Puddle PodSlinger ammo imbued with water element. Can remove some statuses on monsters.
Bomb PodSlinger ammo that explodes on impact.
Piercing PodSlinger ammo that deals piercing damage on impact.
Paint PodSlinger ammo that makes a monster or location temporarily easier to find.
Luring PodSlinger ammo that can be used to lure monsters toward yourself.
Mega Barrel BombAn upgraded large barrel bomb. Effective against large monsters. Can be rolled after placement.
First-aid Med+Restores a moderate amount of health. Returned after quest completion.
EZ Max PotionFully restores health and maximizes the size of your Health Gauge. Returned after quest completion.
EZ LifepowderProduces a cloud that heals you and anyone nearby. Returned after quest completion.
EZ Herbal PowderCures poison and restores a bit of health for everyone nearby. Returned after quest completion.
EZ Demon PowderTemporarily strengthens attacks for everyone nearby. Returned after quest completion.
EZ Hardshell PowderTemporarily increases defense for everyone nearby. Returned after quest completion.
EZ Dust of LifeReleases a cloud that restores a large amount of health. Returned after quest completion.
EZ Tranq BombA hand grenade used to capture monsters ensnared in traps. Returned after quest completion.
EZ Dung PodReleases a strong odor on impact. Returned after quest completion.
EZ Sonic BombSlinger ammo that emits an earsplitting sonic blast. Returned after quest completion.
Tinged MeatRaw meat that paralyzes whatever eats it. Makes great bait for traps.
EZ Large Barrel BombAn improved large barrel bomb. Can be rolled after being placed. Returned after quest completion.
EZ FarcasterCall for a wingdrake to transport you to the nearest camp. Returned after quest completion.
Poisoned MeatRaw meat that poisons whatever eats it. Makes great bait for traps.
DeodorantProduces a cloud of cleansing smoke that cures blastblight and stench.
Kunafa CheeseAn artisan cheese made in Kunafa, deliciously gooey when heated, and a great addition to any dish.
Sharp Kunafa CheeseA rich, decadent cheese made by skilled craftspeople. A great addition to any dish.
DroolshroomA mushroom that grows in a secret spot known only to Wudwuds. A great addition to any dish.
DelishroomAn extremely rare delicacy that is cause for a Wudwud celebration. A great addition to any dish.
Mud ShrimpA nutritious shrimp native to Oilwell Basin and favored in Azuz. A great addition to any dish.
Turbid ShrimpA large, chewy shrimp packed to the gills with nutrients. A great addition to any dish.
Fluffy EggAn egg with a yolk and white as fluffy as the Downy Crake that laid it. A great addition to any dish.
Airy EggA high-quality egg that sends you straight to flavor heaven. A great addition to any dish.
Sild GarlicA highly nutritious and fragrant bulb of garlic grown in Sild. A great addition to any dish.
Specialty Sild GarlicThe ultimate bulb of garlic, grown in just the right conditions. A great addition to any dish.
Wild HerbThis herb's refreshing aroma can mask any foul odor. A great finishing touch to any dish.
Eastern HoneyHas a unique flavor, making it the perfect secret ingredient. A great finishing touch to any dish.
Monster ChiliA powerful spice that enhances flavor and sweat production. A great finishing touch to any dish.
Jeweled Mullet RoeThese fish eggs truly shine like diamonds. A great finishing touch to any dish.
Wild Seed OilOil that packs both flavor and the power of nature. A great finishing touch to any dish.
Truffle Du CongaOften dug up by its namesake, Congalala. A great finishing touch to any dish.
Sinister ClothSuspicious cloth found somewhere in the Windward Plains. Drips with an aura of pure evil.
Great HornflyFound in the Scarlet Forest. An insect with a giant horn, huge shell, and butterfly wings.
Windward AloeFound in the Windward Plains. The water stored within its plump leaves has saved many a parched traveler.
Fine Windward AloeA rarity from the Windward Plains. A single drop of its delicious sap transforms water into ambrosia.
Great Windward AloeA treasure of the Windward Plains. Its leaves hold enough water to fill a bath in the driest desert.
SandpepperFound in the Windward Plains. This dried spice lends a rich and aromatic heat to any dish.
Fiery SandpepperA rarity from the Windward Plains. A spice so hot that a single bite opens the taster's third eye.
Fulgurite ShardFound in the Windward Plains. The shape of this fulgurite was sculpted by a chance lightning strike.
Pure FulguriteA rarity from the Windward Plains. Crystallized fulgurite, free of any impurity. Extremely delicate.
Thundering FulguriteA treasure of the Windward Plains. A colossal fulgurite crystal, born of a sky-splitting thunderstrike.
Scarlet Amber ShardAmber from the Scarlet Forest. The bodies of fossilized insects float in its scarlet confines.
Fine Scarlet AmberRare amber from the Scarlet Forest. Immaculate insect specimens sleep in this amber, red as fine liquor.
Eternal Scarlet AmberColossal amber from the Scarlet Forest. Ancient life has been sealed away inside it for eons.
Queensbloom PollenPollen from a giant flower in the Scarlet Forest, as regal as it is massive. Makes a heady perfume.
Shiny TreasureAn ancient artifact Wudwuds found in the Scarlet Forest. Purely aesthetic in nature.
Sparkly TreasureA rarity of the Scarlet Forest. The fine detail and lavish use of gold show quite advanced techniques.
Bulky TreasureThe sheer scale of this Scarlet Forest rarity makes it the object of obsession for all Wudwuds.
Auric OilExceptionally pure, golden mineral oil from Oilwell Basin. Used widely in Flameborn crafts.
AntimiteA mineral from Oilwell Basin with a unique sheen. Used by the Flameborn in alloy production.
Fine AntimiteAn Oilwell Basin rarity too pure to be worked by any but the Flameborn artisans.
Antimite MassA hulking antimite formation that produces strange reactions not yet understood by science.
Hirabami MoltingSkin shed from a Hirabami. Treasured by the people of the Iceshard Cliffs as a curative.
Wyvernscale VaseAn ancient ornamental vase found in the Iceshard Cliffs. The techniques used to craft it are lost to time.
Dragonscale VaseEach individual scale ornamenting this vase from the Iceshard Cliffs sparkles with a fiery brilliance.
Large Goldenscale VaseAn exquisite, inscribed vase from the Iceshard Cliffs. A treasure worthy of kings, lost to the world.
Wyveria LanternFruit encased in a mesh shell, found in the Ruins of Wyveria. A precious source of sustenance to the natives.
Mature Wyveria LanternA rarity in the Ruins of Wyveria. The ripening process imbues the fruit with medicinal properties.
Origin Wylk GemA precious find from the Ruins of Wyveria. More transparent than other Wylkdrops and has considerable heft.
Milky Cocoon WebA curious fiber found in the Ruins of Wyveria. A resource treasured by the Keepers.
Wylk PebbleSmall stones found across the East. A rich source of energy, they are often burned for fuel.
Wylk GemA beautiful, faintly luminescent stone occasionally found inside Wylkdrops harvested in the East.
Time-honed Wylk GemThe size of this rare find from the East is the result of an eons- long natural formation process.
Ancient FossilThe blackened, stony remains of old bones unearthed in the East. When polished, it gains a velvety sheen.
Drifting Sea PotA species of translucent sea squirts found in the East. When salt-dried, it becomes a fine preserved food.
Royal Sea PotA rare, meatier species of sea squirt found in the East. Keeps its rich flavor, even when preserved.
GobletweedAlgae that grows in the East. It resembles a ceremonial cup— Cheers for finding such a beauty!
ChaliceweedCare must be taken not to disturb the delicate form of this rare and stunning algae when harvesting it.
Nightflower PollenPollen from a flower that blooms under a full moon. It exudes an ethereal pale glow.
Fossilized OpalA mass of organic material fossilized into opal over time. It has a deep crimson shine.
Fossilized Fire OpalThis gorgeous fossil is marked by an exceptionally clear and fiery opal. A truly radiant rarity.
Genesis OpalThe opal inclusion in this fossil burns with the fire of creation that first shaped this world.
WyvernsproutA parasitic fungus that grows on the bodies of dead monsters. Prized as a symbol of reincarnation.
Whetfish FinA fish fin that greatly restores sharpness and requires fewer strokes than a whetstone.
Sushifish ScaleA scale from a Sushifish. Slightly restores health and treats bleeding.
Lala Barina ShellThe outer shell of a Lala Barina. Has a dark luster and is wonderfully lightweight.
Lala Barina ClawA claw from a Lala Barina. Vivid scarlet decorates its keen edge.
Lala Barina StingerThe stinger from a Lala Barina. Sharp as a sword, one thrust is all it takes to subdue prey.
Lala Barina CertificateA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Lala Barina. Used to make equipment.
Lala Barina FloretHair from a Lala Barina. So white and pristine that it could pass for a high quality pelt.
Screamer PodUsed as ammo for your Slinger. Emits a harsh, high-frequency sound that can disrupt sensitive monsters.
Krano CopperCopper pyrite from a Kranodath's shell. Its luster makes it a prime material for decorations.
Krano PyriteHigh-quality copper pyrite from a Kranodath's shell. Its brilliant sheen is stunning to behold.
Thunder PodSlinger ammo imbued with thunder element.
Frost PodSlinger ammo imbued with ice element.
Dragon PodSlinger ammo imbued with dragon element.
Fresh HoneySpecial honey gathered from Y'sai's spot. Can be delivered to Provisions, who's running low.
FrostburstSlinger ammo imbued with the ice element. Use it to stagger a monster when you're in a pinch.
Dragonstrike NutA nut that explodes on impact. Used to make Wyvern Ammo.
BomberryA berry that ruptures on impact. Used to make cluster bombs.
Chatacabra CertificateA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Chatacabra. Used to make equipment.
Chatacabra Scale+A high-quality Chatacabra scale. Its enhanced durability makes it impervious to most blows.
Chatacabra Jaw+Fine plating from a Chatacabra's hulking jaw. Its density and heft are quite impressive.
Chatacabra Hide+A high-quality Chatacabra hide. Tempered by its harsh environment. Makes a fine crafting material.
Chatacabra CarapaceStout plating from a Chatacabra's arms. Constant friction with the ground has polished it to gleam.
Chatacabra Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Chatacabra. Used to make equipment.
Xu Wu Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Xu Wu. Used to make equipment.
Quematrice IgniterFlammable fluids from a Quematrice, expelled as a gas then ignited by sparks from its coarse tail.
Quematrice CertificateA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Quematrice. Used to make equipment.
Quematrice Scale+A high-quality Quematrice scale. Its keen ridges allow it to cleave stone in a single stroke.
Quematrice Hide+Fine Quematrice hide, hardened by the struggle to survive. Offers exceptional fire protection.
Quematrice Igniter+Especially viscous fluid from a Quematrice. The gas it releases burns at a perilous temperature.
Quematrice Crest+The large crest of a Quematrice. Colored an angry red and shaken violently in a show of aggression.
Quematrice Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Quematrice. Used to make equipment.
Lala Barina Floret+High-quality hair from a Lala Barina. Its delicate, transparent strands dance in the wind.
Lala Barina CarapaceThe hard carapace of a Lala Barina. A bit of polish will make it shine black as night.
Lala Barina Claw+A sharp claw from a Lala Barina. The deep crimson tip mirrors the blood of countless victims.
Lala Barina Stinger+The razor-sharp stinger of a Lala Barina. Capable of piercing even the thickest armor.
Lala Barina Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Lala Barina. Used to make equipment.
Balahara CertificateA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Balahara. Used to make equipment.
Balahara Scale+A high-quality Balahara scale. Thick and durable enough to carve through stone without a scratch.
Balahara CarapaceA hard Balahara carapace. A quality material from a specimen wrapped in pure fulgurite.
Balahara Skull+A Balahara's pointy skull. An incredibly tough shell that digs through hard bedrock with ease.
Balahara Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Balahara. Used to make equipment.
Doshaguma CertificateA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Doshaguma. Used to make equipment.
Doshaguma Fur+High-quality Doshaguma fur. So accustomed to harsh climes that it's akin to armor.
Doshaguma Hide+High-quality Doshaguma hide. Its thick, comfortable weight gives reassurance to those who wear it.
Doshaguma Claw+A sharp Doshaguma claw. One poke pierces skin, and one swipe tears flesh from bone.
Doshaguma Fang+A sharp Doshaguma fang. Proof of its owner's feral nature in its ability to chew through even bone.
Doshaguma Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Doshaguma. Used to make equipment.
Uth Duna ScaleA scale from an Uth Duna. Glistens in a kaleidoscope of colors.
Uth Duna HideThe hide of an Uth Duna. Highly prized for its density and spectacularly vibrant pattern.
Uth Duna CiliaExtremely fine hair from an Uth Duna. When woven together, it forms a thin, watery membrane.
Uth Duna TentacleA tentacle from the back of an Uth Duna. Covered in a gelatinous mix of water and body fluid.
Uth Duna ClawA claw from an Uth Duna. Its curvature helps to anchor it against the waves it creates.
Uth Duna PlateA rare plate from an Uth Duna. Hailed as a symbol of Plenty due to the amount of water it holds.
Uth Duna CertificateA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted an Uth Duna. Used to make equipment.
Uth Duna Scale+A high-quality scale from an Uth Duna. Thin grooves allow it to store water to strengthen itself.
Uth Duna Hide+A high-quality hide from an Uth Duna. Its pattern holds an almost divine beauty.
Uth Duna Cilia+High-quality Uth Duna hair. Weak to cutting force, but can hold a vast amount of water.
Uth Duna Tentacle+An elegant and flexible tentacle from an Uth Duna. A membrane of water surrounds it like a veil.
Uth Duna Claw+A sharp claw from an Uth Duna. Heavy enough to easily crush even the thickest trees.
Uth Duna WatergemA rare jewel that developed within an Uth Duna. Said to wield the power of a devastating flood.
Uth Duna Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted an Uth Duna. Used to make equipment.
Rompopolo HideA Rompopolo hide. It returns to its original shape even if stretched to its limit.
Rompopolo ClawA claw from a Rompopolo. Developed for the specific purpose of piercing prey.
Spotted Poison HideA poisonous hide from a Rompopolo. The vibrant speckles warn of its inherent danger.
Rompopolo BeakThe beak of a Rompopolo. Its disturbing shape evokes an indescribable sense of unease.
Rompopolo CertificateA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Rompopolo. Used to make equipment.
Rompopolo Hide+A high-quality Rompopolo hide. Can expand to extreme lengths when filled with gas.
Rompopolo Claw+A sharp claw from a Rompopolo. Perfectly suited to piercing vitals with acute precision.
Spotted Poison Hide+A highly poisonous hide from a Rompopolo. The more striking the pattern, the more poisonous it is.
Rompopolo Beak+A large beak from a Rompopolo. Its sharp point and gentle curve strike untold fear into its prey.
Rompopolo Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Rompopolo. Used to make equipment.
Rey Dau CertificateA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Rey Dau. Used to make equipment.
Rey Dau Scale+A high-quality Rey Dau scale. Constant exposure to the Sandtide made it as sturdy as it is smooth.
Rey Dau CarapaceThe tough carapace of a Rey Dau. Its complex but consistent pattern enhances its conductivity.
Rey Dau BolthornA Rey Dau horn crackling with lightning. Durable enough to sustain great bolts of electricity.
Rey Dau FulgurtalonA Rey Dau wingtalon with an azure glow. Coated with pure, razor-sharp fulgurite.
Rey Dau BoltgemA rare jewel that developed within a Rey Dau. Said to wield the power of ten thousand storms.
Rey Dau Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Rey Dau. Used to make equipment.
Hirabami ScaleA scale from a Hirabami. Though small and lightweight, it's very strong and easy to process.
Hirabami HideThe hide of a Hirabami. Light and smooth like cloth, it is known for its unique texture.
Hirabami WebbingWebbing from a Hirabami. Its superb elasticity allows the monster to float in the air.
Hirabami Tail ClawA claw from the tail of a Hirabami. Its curved shape allows it to easily trap prey.
Hirabami CertificateA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Hirabami. Used to make equipment.
Hirabami Scale+A high-quality scale from a Hirabami. Not only is it strong, but also exceedingly light.
Hirabami Hide+A high-quality Hirabami hide. Soft as the finest fabric, with the warmth to endure a blizzard.
Hirabami Webbing+High-quality Hirabami webbing. Can manipulate air currents even in the fiercest blizzards.
Hirabami Tail Claw+A high-quality claw from the tail of a Hirabami. No prey can escape its scythe-like bite.
Hirabami Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Hirabami. Used to make equipment.
Ajarakan ScaleA scale from an Ajarakan. Extremely resistant, not even the hardest of stone will scratch it.
Ajarakan ShellThe shell of an Ajarakan. Capable of producing a shower of sparks with the slightest scrape.
Ajarakan RidgeThe hard casing that runs along the back of an Ajarakan. Its bright scarlet color echoes a raging fire.
Ajarakan TailThe tail of an Ajarakan. Its uneven spikes are highly combustible.
Ajarakan JewelA rare jewel that developed in an Ajarakan's body. Said to wield enough force to explode bedrock.
Ajarakan MarrowBone marrow from an Ajarakan. Almost too hot to handle.
Ajarakan CertificateA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted an Ajarakan. Used to make equipment.
Ajarakan Scale+A high-quality scale from an Ajarakan. The flame-like spikes project the monster's hot fury.
Ajarakan CarapaceA tough Ajarakan carapace. Even fierce explosions can't damage it.
Ajarakan Ridge+A rock-solid ridge from an Ajarakan. Reminiscent of a fire in its color and uneven curves.
Ajarakan Jewel+A large jewel that developed in an Ajarakan. Glows red, as if holding an inferno within.
Ajarakan MedullaThe brainstem of an Ajarakan. Constantly burning, as if all its body heat is concentrated within.
Ajarakan Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted an Ajarakan. Used to make equipment.
Nu Udra HideA highly-elastic Nu Udra hide. It looks smooth but has a subtle roughness.
Nu Udra SpikeA Nu Udra spike. Requires a skilled hand to handle its twisted, non-uniform shape.
Nu Udra HornA Nu Udra Horn. Curved to protect the eyes and smattered with small spines.
Nu Udra TentacleA Nu Udra tentacle. Incredibly flexible and elastic, only the sharpest of blades can pierce it.
Nu Udra OilmucusA viscous liquid made from a Nu Udra's body fluids and oil. Adding oil to it makes it more flammable.
Nu Udra Cerebrospinal FluidA strange fluid formed inside a Nu Udra. It glows blue and can strengthen materials.
Nu Udra CertificateA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Nu Udra. Used to make equipment.
Nu Udra Hide+High-quality Nu Udra hide. Especially elastic and fire resistant. Eternally slimy.
Nu Udra Spike+A quality Nu Udra spike. Will gouge out the surrounding flesh when removed from its victim.
Nu Udra Horn+A sharp Nu Udra Horn. Each one twists eerily outward, as if in search of something.
Nu Udra Tentacle+A large Nu Udra tentacle. A huge slab of muscle that will thrash uncontrollably even when cut off.
Nu Udra Oilmucus+Dense Nu Udra Oilmucus. Burns unbelievably hot and long once ignited.
Nu Udra FlamegemA mysterious gem formed inside a Nu Udra. Said to hold the power to burn the world to the ground.
Nu Udra Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Nu Udra. Used to make equipment.
Guardian Doshaguma FurThe fur of a Guardian Doshaguma. Energy coursing through it has turned it white and strengthened it.
Guardian Doshaguma HideThe hide of a Guardian Doshaguma. It is especially thick and tough, with a distinctive white pattern.
Guardian Doshaguma ClawThe claw of a Guardian Doshaguma. Energy coursing through it has turned it white and rigid.
Guardian Doshaguma FangThe fang of a Guardian Doshaguma. Tough enough to withstand the Doshaguma's fiercely acidic saliva.
G. Doshaguma CertificateA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Guardian Doshaguma. Used to make equipment.
Guardian Doshaguma Fur+High-quality fur from a Guardian Doshaguma. Energy coursing through it has rendered it hard as steel.
Guardian Doshaguma Hide+A high-quality hide from a Guardian Doshaguma. Tough as iron and able to withstand any kind of attack.
Guardian Doshaguma Claw+An especially sharp claw from a Guardian Doshaguma. Filled with energy, it easily cuts through armor.
Guardian Doshaguma Fang+An especially sharp fang from a Guardian Doshaguma. Mercilessly crushes anything in its way.
G. Doshaguma Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Guardian Doshaguma. Used to make equipment.
Guardian Rathalos ScaleA scale from a Guardian Rathalos. Made thick and tough by the energy coursing through it.
Guardian Rathalos ShellThe shell of a Guardian Rathalos. Still radiates heat from the energy coursing through it.
Guardian Rathalos WebbingWebbing from a Guardian Rathalos. The energy coursing through it has enhanced its flight capabilities.
Guardian Rathalos TailThe tail of a Guardian Rathalos. The energy coursing through it has made it into an adaptable material.
G. Rathalos CertificateA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Guardian Rathalos. Used to make equipment.
Guardian Rathalos Scale+A high-quality scale from a Guardian Rathalos. Accumulated energy has made it scorching hot.
Guardian Rathalos CarapaceThe tough carapace of a Guardian Rathalos. Durable enough to withstand even the fiercest flames.
Guardian Rathalos WingA wing from a Guardian Rathalos. Energy courses through each vein, producing gale-force winds.
Equipped MantlesThe selected mantle in Change Equipment will be reflected in your Radial Menu/Loadouts.
G. Rathalos Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Guardian Rathalos. Used to make equipment.
Rath MedullaOnly recently extractable due to advances in carving techniques. Hard to forge.
Demon AmmoAmmo that produces a cloud that temporarily strengthens attacks in the impact zone of where it lands.
Armor AmmoAmmo that produces a cloud that temporarily strengthens defense in the impact zone of where it lands.
Recover AmmoAmmo that produces a healing cloud in the impact zone of where it lands.
Tranq AmmoAmmo used to capture monsters ensnared in traps.
Exhaust AmmoAmmo that drains a monster's stamina.
Frenzy ShardA fragment of a disturbing crystal that possesses a hidden power.
Jin Dahaad Scale+A high-quality Jin Dahaad scale. Its metallic properties prevent it from freezing.
Jin Dahaad CarapaceThe tough carapace of a Jin Dahaad. Tough as steel without impeding movement.
Jin Dahaad IceplateFrom the back of a Jin Dahaad, this plate's metallic properties allow it to freeze the surrounding air.
Jin Dahaad Claw+A sharp claw from a Jin Dahaad. Terrifyingly cold, it freezes everything it touches.
Jin Dahaad HornA layered horn from a Jin Dahaad. Also acts as a heat vent.
Jin Dahaad IcegemA rare jewel developed within a Jin Dahaad. Said to wield the power to freeze entire cliffs.
Jin Dahaad Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Jin Dahaad. Used to make equipment.
Guardian Ebony ScaleA scale from a Guardian Ebony Odogaron. Energy coursing through it has turned parts of it white.
Guardian Ebony SinewTightly packed sinew from a Guardian Ebony Odogaron. Especially strong and heavy.
Guardian Ebony ClawA Guardian Ebony Odogaron claw. Made for ripping things open, even the slightest touch is dangerous.
Guardian Ebony FangA Guardian Ebony Odogaron fang. Its sharp point allows it to pierce the vitals of any prey.
Guardian Ebony TailA Guardian Ebony Odogaron tail. Covered in bristled scales that call to mind its terrible rage.
Guardian Ebony PlateA Guardian Ebony Odogaron plate. Energy has bolstered its draconic power to incredible heights.
G. Ebony Odogaron CertificateA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Guardian Ebony Odogaron. Used to make equipment.
Guardian Ebony Scale+A high-quality Guardian Ebony Odogaron scale. The flow of pure energy has strengthened it.
Guardian Ebony Sinew+A large piece of sinew from a Guardian Ebony Odogaron. Excess energy has strengthened it greatly.
Guardian Ebony Claw+A sharp claw from a Guardian Ebony Odogaron. Its saw-like form lets it mercilessly rip apart its prey.
Guardian Ebony Fang+A sharp Guardian Ebony Odogaron fang. Shrouded in misfortune, only the bravest dare touch it.
Guardian Ebony GemA rare jewel that developed within a Guardian Ebony Odogaron. Said to hold a strange draconic power.
G. Ebony Odogaron Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Guardian Ebony Odogaron. Used to make equipment.
Nourishing ExtractCan be obtained from some large monsters. Has the ability to amplify the effects of certain medicines.
Xu Wu HideThe hide of a Xu Wu. Covered in mucus and uniquely flexible, it's quite a trial to work with.
Golden CorneumThe golden corneum of a Xu Wu. Formed by hardened secretions that glisten with a disturbing light.
Xu Wu TentacleA Xu Wu tentacle. It's flexible musculature makes it perfect for weapon and armor crafting.
Xu Wu ClawA claw from a Xu Wu. Sharp as a knife and able to pierce prey without a sound.
Xu Wu FangA fang from a Xu Wu. Tough enough to crush any matter of prey.
Xu Wu Cerebrospinal FluidCerebrospinal fluid from a Xu Wu. A great deal of energy is concealed within, causing it to glow.
Xu Wu CertificateA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Xu Wu. Used to make equipment.
Xu Wu Hide+A high-quality Xu Wu hide. Tough enough to repel a Guardian's claws and fangs.
Golden Corneum+A glittering golden corneum of a Xu Wu. Further hardened by its extremely pure secretions.
Xu Wu Tentacle+A high-quality Xu Wu tentacle. Continues to squirm while being processed, displaying its vitality.
Xu Wu Claw+A sharp claw from a Xu Wu. It's longer and keener, allowing it to more easily bring down prey.
Xu Wu Fang+A sharp fang from a Xu Wu. Dyed with the blood of all the prey it has mercilessly crushed.
Xu Wu UmbragemA rare jewel developed within a Xu Wu's body. Harbors a deep and impenetrable darkness.
Guardian ScaleContains an unknown substance. It has lost any color it previously had and possesses unique properties.
Guardian Scale+A high-quality Guardian scale. Sparkles like snow, as if it had always been pure white.
Arkveld TailThe tail of an Arkveld. Highly prized for the thick muscle hidden beneath its skin and hair.
Large Dung PodSlinger ammo that releases a strong odor on impact, causing any surrounding monsters to flee.
EZ Large Dung PodReleases a foul odor over a wide area on impact. Returned after quest completion.
Arkveld Scale+A high-quality Arkveld scale. Despite being incredibly dense and hard, the edges chip easily.
Arkveld ArmorplateA durable Arkveld carapace. Named for how its scales overlap like plate armor.
White Arkveld PeltA white Arkveld pelt. Strong, naturally twining strands create extra protection against attacks.
Arkveld CalloushellA linked Arkveld carapace that is connected by flexible sinew, allowing it to move like a chain.
Arkveld Horn+A sharp, pointed Arkveld horn. So menacing, its mere sight dispirits any who must stand against it.
Arkveld GemA mysterious gem that formed inside an Arkveld. Its pulsating white light seems to absorb life.
Arkveld Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted an Arkveld. Used to make equipment.
Heavy Blunt PodSlinger ammo that inflicts massive blunt damage where it lands.
Heavy Slicing PodSlinger ammo that inflicts massive severing damage where it lands.
Heavy Explosion PodSlinger ammo that explodes on impact, causing massive damage.
Basic MaterialAssorted materials from target monster obtained as bonus rewards.
Valuable MaterialValuable materials from target monster obtained as bonus rewards.
Drearisite ScrapsMetal scraps manufactured in Azuz. Can be used as a material once smelted.
Scarred ScaleA material found in the Iceshard Cliffs. Despite its scarring, it remains tough as any other scale.
Ancient Wyvern CoinA rarity found in the East. A coin bearing a delicate etched relief, long out of use.
Heavy Piercing PodSlinger ammo that inflicts massive piercing damage on impact.
ChillshroomThis frosty mushroom is a primary ingredient in cool drinks.
Hot PepperA plant spicy enough to set your mouth on fire. Used for making hot drinks.
Ancient Weapon FragmentPart of an ancient weapon. Needs to be appraised.
Nerscylla ShearA flexible, venomous Nerscylla fang. Beware its lethal poison when handling it!
Guardian Fulgur Scale+A high-quality Guardian Fulgur Anjanath scale. Surprisingly heavy, and zaps you when touched.
Guardian Fulgur Pelt+A high-quality Guardian Fulgur Anjanath pelt. Wild patterns have overshadowed its original form.
Guardian Fulgur Fang+A sharp fang from a Guardian Fulgur Anjanath. Built to withstand the fierce crushing power of its jaw.
Guardian Fulgur Nosebone+The nasal bone of a Guardian Fulgur Anjanath. The mucus from it is charged with electricity.
Guardian Fulgur TailA Guardian Fulgur Anjanath tail. Packed with thick muscles that help it maintain balance.
Guardian Fulgur GemA rare jewel that developed within a Guardian Fulgur Anjanath. Said to hold the might of the heavens.
Herbivore CarapaceA thick carapace from an herbivore. Even the smallest ones are incredibly durable.
Bulaqchi CarapaceA high-quality Bulaqchi carapace. Easy to process and incredibly tough.
Monster FluidA liquid bugs suck from monsters. Mixes with insect fluids to form an adhesive.
Monster BrothA broth made from only the thickest of a monster's juices. Quite rich.
Talioth Scale+A high-quality Talioth scale. Built to survive fierce battles, but still not much to look at.
Wingdrake Hide+A rare material carved from wingdrakes. It's both tough and easy to work with.
Piragill FinA Piragill fin. Its sharp edge cuts into prey like a knife through butter.
Piragill Fin+A high-quality Piragill fin. A deep scarlet, it will slice flesh at the slightest touch.
Kranodath SkullA Kranodath skull. Its incredible resilience makes it a great material for armor.
Kranodath Skull+An extra hard Kranodath skull. So tough that it won't crack even if you pound on it with all your might.
Comaqchi ShellA Comaqchi shell. Incredibly smooth with an attractive luster.
Comaqchi CarapaceA high-quality Comaqchi shell. Its glorious color bewitches all those who see it.
Guardian Seikret FeatherA Guardian Seikret feather. Strong enough to deflect blades.
Guardian Seikret Feather+A high-quality Guardian Seikret feather. Astoundingly lightweight, yet perfectly resilient.
Congalala PeltThe pink fur of a Congalala. The tufts of fluffy hair are an ideal material for clothing.
Congalala ClawThe long claw of a Congalala. Large and sharp, it gouges anything it touches.
Congalala FangA Congalala incisor. While blunt, it is tough enough to crush even the hardest of substances.
Vibrant PeltVibrant hair that grows on the head of a Congalala. The lovely colors are proof of its position in its pack.
Congalala CertificateA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Congalala. Used to make equipment.
Congalala Pelt+High-quality Congalala fur. Stout and resilient, an important crafting material once processed.
Congalala Claw+A long, hard, sharp claw from the wildest of Congalala, and no less tricky to manage than its source.
Congalala Fang+An extra large Congalala fang. Its sturdiness is better suited for crushing than tearing.
Vibrant Pelt+Vibrant hair from a Congalala's head. The tuft works as crown of sorts, establishing its status as leader.
Nerscylla ShellThe outer shell of a Nerscylla. Extremely light, with a distinctly aposematic coloration.
Nerscylla CheliceraThe retractable venomous fang of a Nerscylla. Handle with care!
Nerscylla ClawA lightweight, scythe-like claw that enables the Nerscylla's swift and deadly attacks.
Nerscylla SpikeA dorsal spike and poison sac used to drip poison onto prey passing under the Nerscylla's nest.
Nerscylla CertificateA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Nerscylla. Used to make equipment.
Nerscylla CarapaceA sturdy Nerscylla carapace. The porcelain-white material is highly prized, particularly among women.
Nerscylla Claw+This keen Nerscylla claw lashes out from the shadows to claim an ever-growing list of victims.
Nerscylla Spike+An especially large Nerscylla spike, prized more for its lethal poison sac than its sharpness.
Nerscylla Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Nerscylla. Used to make equipment.
Kut-Ku Scale+Quality scale from a Yian Kut-Ku. Its size and weight make it even more impressive than normal.
Kut-Ku CarapaceUnyielding Yian Kut-Ku carapace. Its vivid red hue won't dim even when exposed to intense heat.
Kut-Ku EarThe distinctive ear of a Yian Kut-Ku. Stretchy and resistant to fire, it makes fine armor lining.
Giant BeakThe massive beak of a Yian Kut-Ku. Sturdy enough to peck through even the rockiest of terrain.
Kut-Ku WingQuality Yian Kut-Ku wing membrane. A triple threat of sturdiness, flexibility, and fire resistance.
Yian Kut-Ku Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Yian Kut-Ku. Used to make equipment.
Rubbery HideElastic, electricity-resistant hide worn by a Nerscylla. Thought to be from another monster.
Rubbery Hide+The quality hide of a Gypceros. The baggy, stretchy feel of it is oddly pleasing to the wearer.
Gypceros WingA quality Gypceros wing membrane. Offers the same shock and poison protection—now with comfy stretch!
Gypceros HeadThe uniquely shaped head of a Gypceros. A must-have for Gypceros lovers!
Gypceros TailThe tail of a Gypceros. The most pliant body part, and thus the most difficult part to damage.
Gypceros Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Gypceros. Used to make equipment.
Bird Wyvern GemA valuable gem that can be harvested from bird wyverns. Said to fetch a high price on the market.
Dash ExtractA mysterious substance culled from certain monsters that increases endurance.
Rathian Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Rathian. Used to make equipment.
Blangonga Pelt+Fine fur from a Blangonga. Its springy resilience and warmth make it prized in cold regions.
Blangonga Fang+A Blangonga canine. As large as a human thigh, it's basically a weapon already.
Blangonga WhiskerA glorious mustache is the mark and pride of a Blangonga leader, a symbol of its might.
Blangonga TailThe tail of a Blangonga. The silky, lustrous coat is heavenly to the touch.
Blangonga Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Blangonga. Used to make equipment.
Gravios CarapaceThe sturdy carapace of a Gravios. Fused with ore by intense heat, it has grown abnormally tough.
Gravios SkullThe head armor of a Gravios, hardened by its own heat. Makes it hard to work with, too.
Gravios Pleura+Shell that covers a Gravios's torso. It's grown so thick over time that average attacks do nothing to it.
Gravios MedullaThough hard to extract and hard to craft, the brain stem is an especially precious Gravios part.
Gravios WingThe hefty wing of a Gravios. Recently, the demand and value of the material has been rising.
Gravios Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Gravios. Used to make equipment.
Rathalos Scale+An extraordinarily durable scale carved from the body of a Rathalos.
Rathalos CarapaceThis Rathalos carapace emanates a nobility befitting the King of the Skies.
Rathalos WingThe wing of a Rathalos. Skilled artisans can craft it into strong equipment.
Rathalos TailA severed Rathalos tail covered in plates and keen spines. It has any number of uses.
Rathalos RubyA rare, precious gem from inside a Rathalos. Almost too nice to use.
Rathalos Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Rathalos. Used to make equipment.
Gore Magala Scale+A deep black scale that seems to devour surrounding light, not reflect it.
Gore Magala CarapaceThe Gore Magala's handsome black suit of armor, said to negate all blows.
Gore Magala Wing+A horrifying wing that casts a hungry shadow over prey and drives them insane.
Gore Magala Ripclaw+A claw from a Gore Magala's second foreleg. It inflicts Frenzy and generations of suffering.
Gore Magala TailA pliant tail covered in reverse scales that strikes like a whip, not a blade.
Gore Magala Feeler+A well-honed sensory organ from a Gore Magala that oozes violet melancholy from its infected tip.
Gore Magala NyctgemA pure, jet-black jewel that imprisons and swallows all nearby light.
Gore Magala Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Gore Magala. Used to make equipment.
Frenzy CrystalAn unsettling crystal wreathed in Frenzied power. Handle with extreme care.
Conga PeltA Conga pelt. Sturdy and soft to the touch but must be deodorized before it's processed.
Conga Pelt+A high-quality Conga pelt. The thick fur can be used to make long-lasting equipment.
Vespoid ShellA Vespoid shell. If processed correctly, it can become just as tough as a wyvern's hide.
Vespoid CarapaceThe hard carapace of a Vespoid. It takes on a unique quality once processed.
Vespoid WingThe wing of a Vespoid. Extremely difficult to process and produces widely varying results.
Vespoid InnerwingThe innerwing of a Vespoid. Sharp and elegant, like a blade.
Blango Pelt+A high-quality Blango pelt. Difficult to process, but valuable nonetheless.
LightcrystalA precious and extremely hard substance with a faint glow. Sometimes used for crafting tools.
NovacrystalHigh quality Lightcrystal. Highly coveted for its rarity, it's used for only the finest of metalworking.
FirestoneOre that is scorching even at room temperature. Its heat can be used to fuse materials.
Firecell StoneA magma-like deposit that only trained hands can handle. Armor made from it is first-class.
Fucium OreA mysterious metal found in the Ruins of Wyveria, capable of fusing any other materials together.
IciumPrecious metal from the Iceshard Cliffs. Shines bright white when the light catches it.
Guardian Fulgur Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Guardian Fulgur Anjanath. Used to make equipment.
Congalala Certificate SA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Congalala. Used to make equipment.
Charred OilboneA bone found in the Oilwell Basin. Covered in a thick coat of oil that built up over many years.
Frozen IceboneA bone found in the Iceshard Cliffs. Tempered over millennia deep within the frozen earth.
Tough Guardian BoneA bone found in the Ruins of Wyveria. Its peculiar shape is unique to the local wildlife.
Quality BoneA bone used as crafting material. Its ease of use and hardness allow it to be shaped into better gear.
Crushed CrystalA shard of crystal carved from the carcass of a Guardian. Can be used as a melding material.
Cloudy CrystalA hazy crystal carved from the carcass of a Guardian. Can be used as a melding material.
Coruscating CrystalA glittering crystal carved from the carcass of a Guardian. Can be used as a melding material.
Flame SacA monster organ filled with flammable powder. Handle with extreme care.
Inferno SacA monster organ filled with powder that ignites if it so much as touches air. Danger!
Aqua SacA monster organ designed to hold and preserve water.
Torrent SacA monster organ designed to hold and preserve copious amounts of water.
Thunder SacA monster organ that can store up large amounts of high voltage electricity.
Frost SacA monster organ filled with extremely cold fluid. Handle with care.
Freezer SacA monster organ with tremendous chilling power. Flash-freezes its surroundings.
Poison SacA monster organ filled with a lethal toxin. Handle with extreme care.
Toxin SacA monster organ filled with an extremely potent toxin. Even one touch can be risky.
Lala Barina MucusBody fluid from a Lala Barina. A sticky, red liquid that causes paralysis.
Lala Barina Mucus+Thick body fluid from a Lala Barina. As red as fresh blood, it contains a powerful paralytic.
Sleep SacA monster organ filled with a knockout powder capable of inducing sleep.
Coma SacA monster organ filled with a dangerous powder. One whiff can induce a coma.
Guardian BloodGuardian blood containing an unknown substance. A valuable research material.
Guardian Blood+Guardian blood with rather peculiar properties. Requires further research.
Great HibiscusA large, brightly colored flower found in the Ruins of Wyveria. Spreads its seeds through the air.
Dalthydon WoolA product of Kunafa. Perfectly suited for desert life. Try bringing it to the Smithy.
Azuz Tanned LeatherA product of Azuz. The leather is repeatedly repaired for extended use. Try taking it to the Smithy.
Suja TextilesA product of Suja. Its unique pattern has roots in Wyverian tradition. Try taking it to the Smithy.
Sild CottonA product of Sild. A high-quality material that can be used as-is. Try bringing it to the Smithy.
Gajau HideThe hide of a Gajau. Covered in a thick slime that grants water resistance.
Speartuna FinThe sharp fin of a Speartuna. Might be useful for something if you bring it to the Smithy.
Commission TicketA ticket in the image of a hunter who traveled to the New World. Try taking it to the Smithy.
Mimiphyta TicketA ticket depicting the ecology of Mimiphyta. Give it to the Smithy to get special equipment.
Mystery Orb - SwordA sphere with faint power that is revealed through appraisal. Becomes an offensive decoration.
Glowing Orb - SwordA sphere with hidden power that can be revealed through appraisal. Becomes an offensive decoration.
Ancient Orb - SwordA sphere with incredible power that can be revealed through appraisal. Becomes an offensive decoration.
Armor SphereReacts uniquely to heat. Fuse this to armor to improve it by a tiny amount.
Armor Sphere+Reacts uniquely to heat. Fuse this to armor to improve it by a small amount.
Advanced Armor SphereReacts uniquely to heat. Fuse this to armor to improve it.
Hard Armor SphereA rigid, high-density armor sphere. Fuse this to armor to improve it by a great amount.
Rocksteady MantleNegates damage reactions, protects hearing, grants wind and tremor resistance, and reduces damage.
Mending MantleSteadily restores health over a set amount of time.
Evasion MantleUpon just evading a blow, triggers a special evasive maneuver that boosts attack and alters combos.
Corrupted MantleDecreases health, but raises affinity and weapon stats. Attack and affinity further increased in certain conditions.
Wyvern EggA flying wyvern's egg. Deliver it back to camp...if you can.
Charred LizardA lizard charred crispy by Wudwuds. Removes all traces of poison and restores both health and stamina.
Wild JerkyDried meat beloved for its wild flavor and toughness. Increases natural healing and cures bleeding.
CatalystWorks with other materials to enhance their effects. Cannot be used by itself.
GunpowderA dangerous substance that explodes when struck or heated. Used in Large Barrel Bombs.
Small BarrelA small, empty barrel. Combine with fire herbs to make it into a bomb.
Large BarrelA large, empty barrel. Combine with gunpowder to make it into a bomb.
Spider WebA very sticky web. Used to craft pitfall traps.
NetA sturdy net that supports a certain amount of weight without breaking. Perfect for pitfall traps.
Gunpowderfish ScaleA Gunpowderfish scale. Combine with a large barrel bomb to dramatically increase its firepower.
Burst Arowana ScaleA Burst Arowana scale. Combine with Normal Ammo to make a large amount of Slicing Ammo.
Bomb Arowana ScaleA Bomb Arowana scale. Combine with Normal Ammo to make a large amount of Sticky Ammo.
Gilded ScaleA Goldenfry scale. Used by artisans in their crafts.
Golden ScaleA Goldenfish scale. They shimmer like only pure gold can.
Platinum ScaleA Platinumfish scale. They give off a beautiful gleam.
Steel Melding TicketA ticket used by Wyverians. Hand it over when melding decorations to get a slight discount.
Silver Melding TicketA ticket used by Wyverians. Hand it over when melding decorations to get a discount.
Steel Relic TicketA ticket used by Wyverians. Hand it over when melding relics to get a slight discount.
Silver Relic TicketA ticket used by Wyverians. Hand it over when melding relics to get a discount.
Steel EggAn egg of glittering steel. Rare but useless to hunters. Sells for a good price.
Silver EggAn egg of glittering silver. Rare but useless to hunters. Sells for a very good price.
Golden EggAn egg of glittering gold. Valuable but useless to hunters. Sells for a fortune.
Heavy Armor SphereA solid, high-density armor sphere. Fuse this to armor to improve it by a vast amount.
Monster KeenboneBone obtained from high-rank large monsters. It has a razor sharp tip that retains its strength after forging.
Monster HardbonePrecious bone obtained from high rank large monsters. Their rarity makes them highly sought after.
StoutboneThe bone of a large, high ranking monster. Very sturdy.
Great StoutboneThe bone of a large, high ranking monster. Extremely solid and durable.
Hunter Symbol IProof that you've hunted a tempered monster, certifying your strength.
Hunter Symbol IIProof that you've hunted a fierce tempered monster, certifying your fearlessness.
Hunter Symbol IIIProof that you've hunted a vicious tempered monster, certifying your heroism.
Gold Melding TicketA ticket used by Wyverians. Hand it over when melding decorations to get a great discount.
Gold Relic TicketA ticket used by Wyverians. Hand it over when melding relics to get a great discount.
Guardian PeltContains an unknown substance. It has lost any color it previously had and courses with energy.
Guardian Pelt+A high-quality Guardian pelt. Exceptionally smooth and tough.
DrearisiteA mysterious material smelted in Azuz. Has been used to make equipment since ancient times.
SpeckliteA mysterious material smelted in Azuz. Not as pure as it could be, but still of impeccable quality.
ArgeciteA mysterious material smelted in Azuz. It's apparently primarily used in high-quality equipment.
OricalciteA mysterious, high-quality material smelted in Azuz. Equipment made from it is second to none.
Common Wood MinnowA common wooden lure shaped like a small fish. Good for any kind of fish.
Golden BugheadA lure that looks like a shining beetle. Good for catching gaudy fish, like Goldenfish.
Emerald JitterbaitA lure with a blade made of ore. Good for catching useful fish, like Sushifish.
Tuff Joint BaitA lure shaped like a Cephalos. Good for catching large, swift fish, like Gastronome Tuna.
Duster RigA lure shaped like a Starduster. Good for catching fish that like dark or muddy places, like Gajau.
Tentacle JigA lure made with thorngrass. Good for catching aquatic creatures that have tentacles or feelers.
Close-range CoatingA coating designed to deal more damage to nearby targets, at the cost of a reduced maximum range.
Power CoatingA coating that increases the attack power of arrows.
Pierce CoatingA coating that increases piercing ability. Depending on the monster, it can deal multiple hits.
Paralysis CoatingA coating that applies paralysis effects to arrows.
Poison CoatingA coating that applies poison effects to arrows.
Sleep CoatingA coating that applies sleep effects to arrows.
Blast CoatingA coating that applies explosive powder to arrows.
Exhaust CoatingA coating that applies a fluid which induces exhaust to arrows.
Whetfish Fin+A fish fin used to sharpen weapons. Works better than a whetstone and can be reused if you're lucky.
Great Sushifish ScaleScale from a Sushifish. Eat to get a large health/natural healing boost or to treat bleeding.
Old Weapon Shard - BladeA piece of a discarded, old blade. Needs to be appraised.
Old Weapon Shard - TubeA cylindrical part of an old weapon that's been thrown away. Needs to be appraised.
Old Weapon Shard - DiscA disc-like part of an old weapon that's been thrown away. Needs to be appraised.
Old Weapon Shard - DeviceA part of an old weapon that has some sort of device on it. Needs to be appraised.
GraciumPrecious ore from the Iceshard Cliffs. Swathed in frigid air that shines pale blue when the light catches it.
Wyverian Bloodstone ShardObtained from destroying a tempered wound. Has a deep sanguine hue. Can be used as a melding material.
Wyverian Bloodstone (S)Obtained from destroying a tempered wound. Has a deep sanguine hue. Can be used as a melding material.
Wyverian BloodstoneObtained from destroying a tempered wound. Has a deep sanguine hue. Can be used as a melding material.
Wyverian Bloodstone (L)Obtained from destroying a tempered wound. Larger than most of its type. Can be used as a melding material.
Wyverian Bloodstone ChunkObtained from destroying a tempered wound. One of the largest of its kind. Can be used as a melding material.
Balahara Black PearlA jewel formed from ore that spent years inside a Balahara. Bewitchingly beautiful.
Guardian Rathalos RubyA rare jewel that developed in a Guardian Rathalos' body. Said to wield the power of an inferno.
Guardian Rathalos PlateA plate from a Guardian Rathalos. Strengthened by the flow of energy, its inherent heat blazes forth.
Jin Dahaad TailThe tail of a Jin Dahaad. Has a cooling organ that continues to make cold air even when severed.
Expedition Headgear TicketA ticket inscribed with the emblem of the expedition. Give it to the Smithy to get special equipment.