Iron Skin

Grants protection against defense down.
Lv150Reduces the duration of defense down by 50%.
Lv225Reduces the duration of defense down by 75%.
Lv3Prevents defense down.
G. Doshaguma MailLv1Chest armor made from Guardian Doshaguma spoils. It instills a new vitality and sense of purpose.
G. Doshaguma GreavesLv1Leg armor made from Guardian Doshaguma spoils. Produces a faint white aura when worn.
G. Doshaguma Mail αLv1Chest armor made from Guardian Doshaguma spoils. It instills a new vitality and sense of purpose.
G. Doshaguma Braces αLv2Armguards made from Guardian Doshaguma spoils. They agitate the wearer unless in constant motion.
High Metal Mail αLv3Armor made from a generous portion of ore. Can repel even the fiercest blows.
Guard Charm ILv1A charm that grants the Iron Skin skill.
Guard Charm IILv2A charm that grants the Iron Skin skill.
Guard Charm IIILv3A charm that grants the Iron Skin skill.