Marathon Runner

Slows down stamina depletion for actions that continuously drain stamina (such as dashing).
Lv185Reduces continuous stamina depletion by 15%.
Lv270Reduces continuous stamina depletion by 30%.
Lv350Reduces continuous stamina depletion by 50%.
Bone HelmLv1Traditional head armor crafted from monster bones. Believe it or not, it offers pretty good insulation.
Bone MailLv1Traditional chest armor with a unique plating of intricately pieced together monster bones.
Bone CoilLv1Traditional waistgear bound with monster bones. Looks crude, but it does the job.
G. Doshaguma BracesLv1Armguards made from Guardian Doshaguma spoils. They agitate the wearer unless in constant motion.
G. Doshaguma CoilLv1Waistgear made from Guardian Doshaguma spoils. The white areas self-repair when damaged.
G. Doshaguma GreavesLv1Leg armor made from Guardian Doshaguma spoils. Produces a faint white aura when worn.
Gypceros Greaves αLv2Leg armor made from Gypceros spoils. The springy material is undeniably more comfortable than metal.
Gypceros Greaves βLv1Leg armor made from Gypceros spoils. The springy material is undeniably more comfortable than metal.
Bone Mail αLv1Traditional chest armor with a unique plating of intricately pieced together monster bones.
Bone Vambraces αLv1Traditional armguards made from monster bones. It's a wonder these mismatched shapes fit together.
Bone Coil αLv1Traditional waistgear bound with monster bones. Looks crude, but it does the job.
Dober Mail αLv1Chest armor fashioned from obsidian bone of unknown provenance. It resembles an all-powerful monster.
Dober Coil αLv2Waistgear made of unknown black bones, perhaps from an ancient dragon king.
Battle Greaves αLv3Leg armor designed for seasoned hunters. No compromises were made for this sought-after masterpiece.
Marathon Charm ILv1A charm that grants the Marathon Runner skill.
Marathon Charm IILv2A charm that grants the Marathon Runner skill.
Marathon Charm IIILv3A charm that grants the Marathon Runner skill.