Paralysis Resistance

Reduces the duration of paralysis.
Lv170Reduces the duration of paralysis by 30%.
Lv240Reduces the duration of paralysis by 60%.
Lv3Prevents paralysis.
Vespoid VambracesLv1Vespoid armguards. They are as heavy as they look, but they afford significant defense.
Vespoid CoilLv1Vespoid waistgear. The design arose from the study of highly defensive exoskeletons.
Barina HeadgearLv1Lala Barina head armor. The rose embellishments were fashioned from its carapace.
Barina MailLv1Lala Barina chest armor. It may look like normal clothing, but it's just as hardy as armor.
Vespoid Vambraces αLv1Vespoid armguards. They are as heavy as they look, but they afford significant defense.
Vespoid Coil αLv1Vespoid waistgear. The design arose from the study of highly defensive exoskeletons.
Vespoid Greaves αLv1Leg armor made from Vespoid parts. Ingenious artisanship has further reinforced the carapace.
Vespoid Vambraces βLv1Vespoid armguards. They are as heavy as they look, but they afford significant defense.
Vespoid Coil βLv1Vespoid waistgear. The design arose from the study of highly defensive exoskeletons.
Barina Headgear αLv1Lala Barina head armor. The rose embellishments were fashioned from its carapace.
Barina Coil αLv2Lala Barina waistgear that nobility would gladly don just to make an impression.
Barina Coil βLv1Lala Barina waistgear that nobility would gladly don just to make an impression.
King Beetle Thorax αLv1Chest armor so tough it's hard to believe that it's made from insect parts.
King Beetle Elytra αLv1Waistgear made from insect materials. Wearers resemble a black bullet when running.
Melahoa Branch αLv2Fragrant armguards with pastel coloring and a nostalgic scent that tug at an aging hunter's heart.
Paralysis Charm ILv1A charm that grants the Paralysis Resistance skill.
Paralysis Charm IILv2A charm that grants the Paralysis Resistance skill.
Paralysis Charm IIILv3A charm that grants the Paralysis Resistance skill.