Charge Master

Increases element power and status buildup for charged attacks.
Lv1115/105/105/105Slightly increases elemental damage and status buildup for charged attacks.
Lv2120/110/110/110Increases elemental damage and status buildup for charged attacks.
Lv3125/115/115/115Greatly increases elemental damage and status buildup for charged attacks.
Chicken Decapitator ILv1A splendid great sword that looks like a Yian Kut-Ku's wing. Elaborate work went into the blade.
Chicken Decapitator IILv2A splendid great sword that looks like a Yian Kut-Ku's wing. Elaborate work went into the blade.
Rooster DecapitatorLv2An upgraded Chicken Decapitator. The blade's stunning manufacture is rightly considered a work of art.
Cluster Hammer ILv1A sleek hammer that is worthy of the Nerscylla. It deploys a needle-like protrusion when drawn.
Cluster Hammer IILv1A sleek hammer that is worthy of the Nerscylla. It deploys a needle-like protrusion when drawn.
Cluster Hammer IIILv2A sleek hammer that is worthy of the Nerscylla. It deploys a needle-like protrusion when drawn.
NerscrapperLv2A Cluster Hammer upgrade. It is designed to crush carapaces and gouge out flesh with each blow.
Kut-Ku Pick ILv2This limited Yian Kut-Ku hammer sold out the day it hit the market and has been impossible to find since.
Kut-Ku Pick IILv3This limited Yian Kut-Ku hammer sold out the day it hit the market and has been impossible to find since.
Kut-Ku ThwapLv3An upgraded Kut-Ku Pick... Wait—one of these is up for grabs?! Grab it! People will go Kut-Ku!
Shell Hammer ILv3A hammer that leverages its highly heat-resistant Gravios plating to generate a blast with each swing.
Graviton HammerLv3A weapon to shatter space and time; a weapon to destroy life itself. Such is the upgraded Shell Hammer.
Rey Halilintar ILv1A forbidding insect glaive imbued with Rey Dau's thunder. Said to conjure lightning when held aloft.
Rey Halilintar IILv1A forbidding insect glaive imbued with Rey Dau's thunder. Said to conjure lightning when held aloft.
Rey Halilintar IIILv1A forbidding insect glaive imbued with Rey Dau's thunder. Said to conjure lightning when held aloft.
Halilintar ClairglaiveLv1An upgraded Rey Halilintar. May its lighting surge upon the raging winds and ravage the battlefield.
Stealth Glaive ILv1A strong and flexible glaive. Upon drawing it, its prongs deploy and release Nerscylla pheromones.
Stealth Glaive IILv1A strong and flexible glaive. Upon drawing it, its prongs deploy and release Nerscylla pheromones.
Stealth Glaive IIILv2A strong and flexible glaive. Upon drawing it, its prongs deploy and release Nerscylla pheromones.
Stealth Glaive ReduxLv2The Stealth Glaive's enhanced form. The weapon of choice for an expert Kinsect user in a secret society.
Scylla Fist ILv1A strong and pliant Nerscylla bow. It transfers spectacular, puncturing force to any arrow fixed to it.
Scylla Fist IILv1A strong and pliant Nerscylla bow. It transfers spectacular, puncturing force to any arrow fixed to it.
Scylla Fist IIILv2A strong and pliant Nerscylla bow. It transfers spectacular, puncturing force to any arrow fixed to it.
NershockLv2An upgraded Scylla Fist, shaped from pliable material into a dynamically ideal curve. This one is a keeper.
Wild Power Bow IILv1A powerful Congalala hunting bow strung so tautly that middling strength is insufficient to draw it.
Wildwood KalifaLv1An upgraded Wild Power Bow. Not even thick tree trunks can slow its inexorable flight toward prey.
Kut-Ku Stave ILv2A Yian Kut-Ku hunting bow that unleashes bolts of fire and has a reputation for easy handling.
Kut-Ku Stave IILv3A Yian Kut-Ku hunting bow that unleashes bolts of fire and has a reputation for easy handling.
Strange Kut-Ku StaveLv3An upgraded Kut-Ku Stave. Its blazing bolts prowl the skies, bringing down wyverns like birds.