Grants resistance against impairments to mobility while in water, oilsilt, or streams.
Lv1 |
| Negates the effects of muddy streams, and prevents you from being slowed down in water or oilsilt. |
Lv2 |
| Also negates the effects of waves. |
Duna Coil | Lv1 | Uth Duna waistgear. The fabric is imbued with the breath of the forest, absorbing any impact. |
Piragill Greaves α | Lv1 | Piragill leg armor. A light, skintight fit made with the most exquisite, buttery-soft leather. |
Piragill Greaves β | Lv1 | Piragill leg armor. A light, skintight fit made with the most exquisite, buttery-soft leather. |
Duna Wildmail α | Lv1 | Uth Duna chest armor. The tightly fitted scales make the wearer feel as if they are one with nature. |
Duna Wildcoil α | Lv1 | Uth Duna waistgear. The fabric is imbued with the breath of the forest, absorbing any impact. |
High Metal Coil α | Lv2 | Armor made from a generous portion of ore. Has multiple layers for extra protection. |