
Grants protection against wind pressure.
Lv150/100Negates minor wind pressure and halves the effects of major wind pressure.
Lv250Negates minor and major wind pressure and halves the effects of dragon wind pressure.
Lv3Negates all kinds of wind pressure.
Ingot MailLv1Chest armor crafted from brilliant golden ore. Its color and design are both highly pleasing.
Ingot GreavesLv1Leg armor fashioned from lustrous, golden ore. Clever smithing makes the metal feel fluid and light.
Ingot Mail αLv1Chest armor crafted from brilliant golden ore. Its color and design are both highly pleasing.
Ingot Greaves αLv1Leg armor fashioned from lustrous, golden ore. Clever smithing makes the metal feel fluid and light.
G. Rathalos Coil αLv1Waistgear made from Guardian Rathalos spoils. The white areas self-repair when damaged.
G. Rathalos Greaves αLv2Leg armor made from Guardian Rathalos spoils. Produces a faint white aura when worn.
G. Rathalos Coil βLv1Waistgear made from Guardian Rathalos spoils. The white areas self-repair when damaged.
G. Rathalos Greaves βLv1Leg armor made from Guardian Rathalos spoils. Produces a faint white aura when worn.
Udra Miregreaves αLv2Nu Udra leg armor. The wearer could cross a sea of fire without so much as a blister.
Udra Miregreaves βLv1Nu Udra leg armor. The wearer could cross a sea of fire without so much as a blister.
Artian Coil αLv2Waistgear made from eldritch scraps. Its original purpose remains a mystery.
Windproof Charm ILv1A charm that grants the Windproof skill.
Windproof Charm IILv2A charm that grants the Windproof skill.
Windproof Charm IIILv3A charm that grants the Windproof skill.