Critical Element

Increases elemental damage (fire, water, thunder, ice, dragon) when landing critical hits.
Lv1Slightly increases elemental damage while active.
Lv2Increases elemental damage while active.
Lv3Greatly increases elemental damage while active.
Albirath Wing ILv1A Guardian Rathalos great sword. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Albirath Wing IILv1A Guardian Rathalos great sword. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Whitefire RathguardLv1An upgraded Albirath Wing. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power.
Schattenstolz ILv2A jet-black Gore Magala great sword. Its eye places targets in thrall, then condemns them to death eternal.
DüsterstolzLv3An upgraded Schattenstolz. Each accursed slash beckons forth more demons to the revels.
Smiting Fulgur ILv2A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath great sword. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it.
Fulgurcleaver GuardianaLv3An upgraded Smiting Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder.
Sucher-Ankh ILv3An ebon Gore Magala sword & shield. Gazing into its open eye is to glimpse the maw of the netherworld.
Jäger-AnkhLv3An upgraded Sucher-Ankh. Its gaze compels the weak to fling themselves into the abyss.
Albirath Edge ILv1A Guardian Rathalos sword & shield. Like a blazing fire, their wielder's spirit never abates.
Albirath Edge IILv1A Guardian Rathalos sword & shield. Like a blazing fire, their wielder's spirit never abates.
Melting PointLv1An upgraded Albirath Edge. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power.
Rending Fulgur ILv3A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath sword & shield. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it.
Fulgursword GuardianaLv3An upgraded Rending Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder.
Twin Albiraths ILv1Guardian Rathalos dual blades. Like a blazing fire, their wielder's spirit never abates.
Twin Albiraths IILv1Guardian Rathalos dual blades. Like a blazing fire, their wielder's spirit never abates.
Wyvern SentinelsLv1Upgraded Twin Albiraths. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power.
Whirling Fulgur ILv3Guardian Fulgur Anjanath dual blades. Only one able to tame their brutality through reason can wield it.
Fulgurtwins GuardianaLv3An upgraded Whirling Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder.
Fledderklauen ILv3Gore Magala dual blades that herald catastrophe, their horrible stare a promise of unspeakable death.
HungerklauenLv3An upgraded Fledderklauen. Their eyes are awash with despair, a vision of the world's ghastly end.
Stahlfakt ILv3An eldritch Gore Magala long sword that condemns wielders to anguish and beholders to eternal damnation.
StahlrechtLv3An upgraded Stahlfakt. Its bite confers eternal pain, a hell that forever denies the relief of death.
Wyvern Blade "Ash" ILv1A Guardian Rathalos long sword. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Wyvern Blade "Ash" IILv1A Guardian Rathalos long sword. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Wyvern Blade "Lily"Lv1An upgraded Wyvern Blade "Ash." A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power.
Gnashing Fulgur ILv3A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath long sword. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it.
Fulgurblade GuardianaLv3An upgraded Gnashing Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder.
Albirath Bludgeon ILv1A Guardian Rathalos hammer. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Albirath Bludgeon IILv1A Guardian Rathalos hammer. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Gibil HammerLv1An upgraded Albirath Bludgeon. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power.
Crashing Fulgur ILv3A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath hammer. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it.
Fulgurhammer GuardianaLv3An upgraded Crashing Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder.
Wuchtblick ILv3A Gore Magala hammer shaped like a grotesque skull, its evil eye damned to stay closed for all time.
GrimmblickLv3The Wuchtblick's next evolution. Its evil eye widens, commencing the world's return to nothingness...
Albirath Feroce ILv1A Guardian Rathalos hunting horn. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Albirath Feroce IILv1A Guardian Rathalos hunting horn. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
G. Rathalos FeroceLv1An upgraded Albirath Feroce. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power.
Deafening Fulgur ILv3A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath hunting horn. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it.
Fulgurhowl GuardianaLv3An upgraded Deafening Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder.
Kummerklang ILv3A demonic Gore Magala hunting horn. It's said that a single blow would spell destruction for all in sight.
GramklangLv3The Kummerklang's enhanced form. Its strains rid the world of hope and despair alike, leaving nothing.
Albirath Tail ILv1A Guardian Rathalos lance. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Albirath Tail IILv1A Guardian Rathalos lance. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Shining PillarLv1An upgraded Albirath Tail. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power.
Eiferschild ILv3A Gore Magala lance that binds souls with its gaze before sending them to the netherworld with one fell thrust.
FieberschildLv3The Eiferschild's enhanced form, an unleashed demon that ravenously seeks out souls to reave and devour.
Albirath Rook ILv1A Guardian Rathalos gunlance. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Albirath Rook IILv1A Guardian Rathalos gunlance. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Shining RookLv1An upgraded Albirath Rook. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power.
Warring Fulgur ILv3A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath gunlance. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it.
Fulgurcannon GuardianaLv3An upgraded Warring Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder.
Tyrannenarm ILv3This Gore Magala gunlance's piercing gaze wills its prey to surrender—then destroys them, flesh and soul.
VerräterarmLv3An upgraded Tyrannenarm. Its gaze sees prey for all their sins before sentencing them to the abyss.
Albirath Flamesplitter ILv1A Guardian Rathalos switch axe. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Albirath Flamesplitter IILv1A Guardian Rathalos switch axe. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Albirath Blaze SplitterLv1An upgraded Albirath Flamesplitter. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power.
Morphing Fulgur ILv3A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath switch axe. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it.
Fulgurswitch GuardianaLv3An upgraded Morphing Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder.
Eisenleib ILv3A Gore Magala switch axe favored by reapers of the dead. A single flash of darkness—and the light is no more.
EisengeistLv3An upgraded Eisenleib. One flash of this forsaken brand instantly condemns the living to the black.
Albirath Blade ILv1A Guardian Rathalos charge blade. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Albirath Blade IILv1A Guardian Rathalos charge blade. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Guardian AlbathosLv1An upgraded Albirath Blade. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power.
Elendskraft ILv3A Gore Magala charge blade adorned with a skull bursting with power. It hungers to cast foes into darkness.
LeidenskraftLv3An upgraded Elendskraft. It invites its victims to journey to dark and hellish depths.
Guardian Rathmaul ILv1A Guardian Rathalos insect glaive. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Guardian Rathmaul IILv1A Guardian Rathalos insect glaive. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Alabaster RathmaulLv1An upgraded Guardian Rathmaul. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power.
Rising Fulgur ILv3A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath insect glaive. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it.
Fulgurglaive GuardianaLv3An upgraded Rising Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder.
LeumundslistLv3An insect glaive imbued with the animus of a dead Gore Magala. Just holding it conjures a baleful miasma.
LeumundsgiftLv3The Leumundslist's enhanced form. The miasma spreads through the land, laying waste to all in its path.
Albirath Bow ILv1A Guardian Rathalos bow. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Albirath Bow IILv2A Guardian Rathalos bow. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Solar SpiculeLv2An upgraded Albirath Bow. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power.
Blinding Fulgur ILv3A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath bow. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it.
Fulgurbow GuardianaLv3An upgraded Blinding Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder.
Entbehrung ILv3A majestic Gore Magala greatbow. The dire bolts it looses eradicate even the last light of hope.
VerzweiflungLv3An upgrade for the Entbehrung. Its arrows extinguish all light, swallowing the land in darkness.
Grounding Fulgur ILv3A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath heavy bowgun. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it.
Fulgurblast GuardianaLv3An upgraded Grounding Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder.
Tödlicher Abzug ILv3A Gore Magala Heavy Bowgun that pronounces black curses upon prey, devouring them from within.
Ableben AbzugLv3An enhanced Tödlicher Abzug. Its black curses have doomed countless opponents.
Fäulnisschleuder ILv3A light bowgun that contains the Gore Magala's terrifying wails. It fires round after hateful round.
WahnschleuderLv3An upgraded Fäulnisschleuder. Each round is a cluster of madness that rends prey with demonic force.
G. Rathling Gun ILv1A Guardian Rathalos light bowgun. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
G. Rathling Gun IILv2A Guardian Rathalos light bowgun. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
White Rathling PhoenixLv2An upgraded G. Rathling Gun. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power.
Felling Fulgur ILv3A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath light bowgun. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it.
Fulgursnipe GuardianaLv3An upgraded Felling Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder.