Increases elemental damage (fire, water, thunder, ice, dragon) when landing critical hits.
Lv1 |
| Slightly increases elemental damage while active. |
Lv2 |
| Increases elemental damage while active. |
Lv3 |
| Greatly increases elemental damage while active. |
Albirath Wing I | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos great sword. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Albirath Wing II | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos great sword. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Whitefire Rathguard | Lv1 | An upgraded Albirath Wing. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power. |
Schattenstolz I | Lv2 | A jet-black Gore Magala great sword. Its eye places targets in thrall, then condemns them to death eternal. |
Düsterstolz | Lv3 | An upgraded Schattenstolz. Each accursed slash beckons forth more demons to the revels. |
Smiting Fulgur I | Lv2 | A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath great sword. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it. |
Fulgurcleaver Guardiana | Lv3 | An upgraded Smiting Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder. |
Sucher-Ankh I | Lv3 | An ebon Gore Magala sword & shield. Gazing into its open eye is to glimpse the maw of the netherworld. |
Jäger-Ankh | Lv3 | An upgraded Sucher-Ankh. Its gaze compels the weak to fling themselves into the abyss. |
Albirath Edge I | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos sword & shield. Like a blazing fire, their wielder's spirit never abates. |
Albirath Edge II | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos sword & shield. Like a blazing fire, their wielder's spirit never abates. |
Melting Point | Lv1 | An upgraded Albirath Edge. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power. |
Rending Fulgur I | Lv3 | A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath sword & shield. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it. |
Fulgursword Guardiana | Lv3 | An upgraded Rending Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder. |
Twin Albiraths I | Lv1 | Guardian Rathalos dual blades. Like a blazing fire, their wielder's spirit never abates. |
Twin Albiraths II | Lv1 | Guardian Rathalos dual blades. Like a blazing fire, their wielder's spirit never abates. |
Wyvern Sentinels | Lv1 | Upgraded Twin Albiraths. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power. |
Whirling Fulgur I | Lv3 | Guardian Fulgur Anjanath dual blades. Only one able to tame their brutality through reason can wield it. |
Fulgurtwins Guardiana | Lv3 | An upgraded Whirling Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder. |
Fledderklauen I | Lv3 | Gore Magala dual blades that herald catastrophe, their horrible stare a promise of unspeakable death. |
Hungerklauen | Lv3 | An upgraded Fledderklauen. Their eyes are awash with despair, a vision of the world's ghastly end. |
Stahlfakt I | Lv3 | An eldritch Gore Magala long sword that condemns wielders to anguish and beholders to eternal damnation. |
Stahlrecht | Lv3 | An upgraded Stahlfakt. Its bite confers eternal pain, a hell that forever denies the relief of death. |
Wyvern Blade "Ash" I | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos long sword. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Wyvern Blade "Ash" II | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos long sword. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Wyvern Blade "Lily" | Lv1 | An upgraded Wyvern Blade "Ash." A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power. |
Gnashing Fulgur I | Lv3 | A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath long sword. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it. |
Fulgurblade Guardiana | Lv3 | An upgraded Gnashing Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder. |
Albirath Bludgeon I | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos hammer. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Albirath Bludgeon II | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos hammer. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Gibil Hammer | Lv1 | An upgraded Albirath Bludgeon. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power. |
Crashing Fulgur I | Lv3 | A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath hammer. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it. |
Fulgurhammer Guardiana | Lv3 | An upgraded Crashing Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder. |
Wuchtblick I | Lv3 | A Gore Magala hammer shaped like a grotesque skull, its evil eye damned to stay closed for all time. |
Grimmblick | Lv3 | The Wuchtblick's next evolution. Its evil eye widens, commencing the world's return to nothingness... |
Albirath Feroce I | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos hunting horn. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Albirath Feroce II | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos hunting horn. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
G. Rathalos Feroce | Lv1 | An upgraded Albirath Feroce. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power. |
Deafening Fulgur I | Lv3 | A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath hunting horn. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it. |
Fulgurhowl Guardiana | Lv3 | An upgraded Deafening Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder. |
Kummerklang I | Lv3 | A demonic Gore Magala hunting horn. It's said that a single blow would spell destruction for all in sight. |
Gramklang | Lv3 | The Kummerklang's enhanced form. Its strains rid the world of hope and despair alike, leaving nothing. |
Albirath Tail I | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos lance. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Albirath Tail II | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos lance. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Shining Pillar | Lv1 | An upgraded Albirath Tail. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power. |
Eiferschild I | Lv3 | A Gore Magala lance that binds souls with its gaze before sending them to the netherworld with one fell thrust. |
Fieberschild | Lv3 | The Eiferschild's enhanced form, an unleashed demon that ravenously seeks out souls to reave and devour. |
Albirath Rook I | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos gunlance. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Albirath Rook II | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos gunlance. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Shining Rook | Lv1 | An upgraded Albirath Rook. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power. |
Warring Fulgur I | Lv3 | A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath gunlance. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it. |
Fulgurcannon Guardiana | Lv3 | An upgraded Warring Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder. |
Tyrannenarm I | Lv3 | This Gore Magala gunlance's piercing gaze wills its prey to surrender—then destroys them, flesh and soul. |
Verräterarm | Lv3 | An upgraded Tyrannenarm. Its gaze sees prey for all their sins before sentencing them to the abyss. |
Albirath Flamesplitter I | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos switch axe. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Albirath Flamesplitter II | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos switch axe. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Albirath Blaze Splitter | Lv1 | An upgraded Albirath Flamesplitter. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power. |
Morphing Fulgur I | Lv3 | A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath switch axe. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it. |
Fulgurswitch Guardiana | Lv3 | An upgraded Morphing Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder. |
Eisenleib I | Lv3 | A Gore Magala switch axe favored by reapers of the dead. A single flash of darkness—and the light is no more. |
Eisengeist | Lv3 | An upgraded Eisenleib. One flash of this forsaken brand instantly condemns the living to the black. |
Albirath Blade I | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos charge blade. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Albirath Blade II | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos charge blade. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Guardian Albathos | Lv1 | An upgraded Albirath Blade. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power. |
Elendskraft I | Lv3 | A Gore Magala charge blade adorned with a skull bursting with power. It hungers to cast foes into darkness. |
Leidenskraft | Lv3 | An upgraded Elendskraft. It invites its victims to journey to dark and hellish depths. |
Guardian Rathmaul I | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos insect glaive. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Guardian Rathmaul II | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos insect glaive. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Alabaster Rathmaul | Lv1 | An upgraded Guardian Rathmaul. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power. |
Rising Fulgur I | Lv3 | A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath insect glaive. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it. |
Fulgurglaive Guardiana | Lv3 | An upgraded Rising Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder. |
Leumundslist | Lv3 | An insect glaive imbued with the animus of a dead Gore Magala. Just holding it conjures a baleful miasma. |
Leumundsgift | Lv3 | The Leumundslist's enhanced form. The miasma spreads through the land, laying waste to all in its path. |
Albirath Bow I | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos bow. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Albirath Bow II | Lv2 | A Guardian Rathalos bow. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Solar Spicule | Lv2 | An upgraded Albirath Bow. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power. |
Blinding Fulgur I | Lv3 | A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath bow. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it. |
Fulgurbow Guardiana | Lv3 | An upgraded Blinding Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder. |
Entbehrung I | Lv3 | A majestic Gore Magala greatbow. The dire bolts it looses eradicate even the last light of hope. |
Verzweiflung | Lv3 | An upgrade for the Entbehrung. Its arrows extinguish all light, swallowing the land in darkness. |
Grounding Fulgur I | Lv3 | A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath heavy bowgun. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it. |
Fulgurblast Guardiana | Lv3 | An upgraded Grounding Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder. |
Tödlicher Abzug I | Lv3 | A Gore Magala Heavy Bowgun that pronounces black curses upon prey, devouring them from within. |
Ableben Abzug | Lv3 | An enhanced Tödlicher Abzug. Its black curses have doomed countless opponents. |
Fäulnisschleuder I | Lv3 | A light bowgun that contains the Gore Magala's terrifying wails. It fires round after hateful round. |
Wahnschleuder | Lv3 | An upgraded Fäulnisschleuder. Each round is a cluster of madness that rends prey with demonic force. |
G. Rathling Gun I | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos light bowgun. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
G. Rathling Gun II | Lv2 | A Guardian Rathalos light bowgun. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
White Rathling Phoenix | Lv2 | An upgraded G. Rathling Gun. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power. |
Felling Fulgur I | Lv3 | A Guardian Fulgur Anjanath light bowgun. Only one able to tame its brutality through reason can wield it. |
Fulgursnipe Guardiana | Lv3 | An upgraded Felling Fulgur. Its savage urges thwart reason and will destroy an overeager wielder. |