Speed Eating

Increases meat-eating and item-consumption speed.
Lv1Moderately increases eating speed.
Lv2Increases eating speed.
Lv3Greatly increases eating speed.
Chatacabra HelmLv1Chatacabra head armor. The design is specially tailored for desert hunting.
Chatacabra MailLv1Chatacabra chest armor. Equipped with generous elastic cushioning in the collar.
Chatacabra CoilLv1Chatacabra waistgear. The charming, heart-shaped pouch is made from its ample tongue.
Udra MiremailLv1Nu Udra chest armor. As if a curse manifested, tentacles drape down to form a haunting cape.
Udra MirebracesLv1Chilling Nu Udra armguards. They warp one's sense of touch, changing warmth to cold nothingness.
Udra MiregreavesLv1Nu Udra leg armor. The wearer could cross a sea of fire without so much as a blister.
Chatacabra Helm αLv1Chatacabra head armor. The design is specially tailored for desert hunting.
Chatacabra Mail αLv1Chatacabra chest armor. Equipped with generous elastic cushioning in the collar.
Chatacabra Coil αLv1Chatacabra waistgear. The charming, heart-shaped pouch is made from its ample tongue.
Chatacabra Helm βLv1Chatacabra head armor. The design is specially tailored for desert hunting.
Chatacabra Mail βLv1Chatacabra chest armor. Equipped with generous elastic cushioning in the collar.
Chatacabra Coil βLv1Chatacabra waistgear. The charming, heart-shaped pouch is made from its ample tongue.
Bone Helm αLv1Traditional head armor crafted from monster bones. Believe it or not, it offers pretty good insulation.
Bone Vambraces αLv1Traditional armguards made from monster bones. It's a wonder these mismatched shapes fit together.
Conga Vambraces αLv1Armguards made from Congalala materials. Crudely made but highly protective.
Udra Mirebraces αLv2Chilling Nu Udra armguards. They warp one's sense of touch, changing warmth to cold nothingness.
Udra Mirecoil αLv1Nu Udra waistgear. The gnash of spikes and fangs are bound by a personalized curse.
Udra Mirebraces βLv2Chilling Nu Udra armguards. They warp one's sense of touch, changing warmth to cold nothingness.
Kunafa Sash αLv2Waistgear worn in the Windsong Village. The sash's patterns represent their hopes and prayers.
Glutton's Charm ILv1A charm that grants the Speed Eating skill.
Glutton's Charm IILv2A charm that grants the Speed Eating skill.
Glutton's Charm IIILv3A charm that grants the Speed Eating skill.