Horn Maestro

Increases the effect duration of hunting horn melodies. (Effect lost when you change weapons.)
Lv1Extends Melody Effect duration and increases the chance of larger heals from healing melodies.
Lv2Greatly increases the effect duration of hunting horn melodies.
Metal Bagpipe ILv1A metal hunting horn that delivers clear, sonorous tones and inspires courage in all who hear it.
Metal Bagpipe IILv1A metal hunting horn that delivers clear, sonorous tones and inspires courage in all who hear it.
Metal Bagpipe IIILv1A metal hunting horn that delivers clear, sonorous tones and inspires courage in all who hear it.
Great BagpipeLv1The precious ores in this upgraded Metal Bagpipe richen its tones, igniting the heart of every hunter.
War Bongo ILv1A Congalala drum and fife with a rousing timbre that reminds one of happy tavern gatherings.
War Bongo IILv1A Congalala drum and fife with a rousing timbre that reminds one of happy tavern gatherings.
War CongaLv2An upgraded War Bongo. Without missing a beat, it can end the beating of foes' hearts.
Dosha Farsounder IILv1A Doshaguma drum and fife that asserts dominance and brutality on all within hearing distance.
Dosha Farsounder IIILv1A Doshaguma drum and fife that asserts dominance and brutality on all within hearing distance.
Rey Perun ILv1A hunting horn imbued with Rey Dau's thunder. Its anthems announce the coming of a lord, and invoke fear.
Rey Perun IILv1A hunting horn imbued with Rey Dau's thunder. Its anthems announce the coming of a lord, and invoke fear.
Rey Perun IIILv1A hunting horn imbued with Rey Dau's thunder. Its anthems announce the coming of a lord, and invoke fear.
Perun ClairhornLv1An upgraded Rey Perun. May it shake the world far and wide to demonstrate its master's power and authority.
Dosha Grudgesounder ILv1A Guardian Doshaguma hunting horn. To its defiers it shows no mercy, clamorously returning them to nature.
Dosha Grudgesounder IILv1A Guardian Doshaguma hunting horn. To its defiers it shows no mercy, clamorously returning them to nature.
Grudgesounder UrgaLv1An upgraded Dosha Grudgesounder. Its destructive impulses transform wielders into violence incarnate.
Nihil Chord ILv1A Xu Wu string instrument that produces a timbre so lovely and eldritch that it transcends music.
Nihil Chord IILv1A Xu Wu string instrument that produces a timbre so lovely and eldritch that it transcends music.
Kae-Jin's LamentLv1An upgraded Nihil Chord— no mere instrument, but an impostor waiting to devour those it enchants.
G. Veldian Sibilus ILv2A hunting horn made from Guardian materials. Its song liberates the heart and fortifies one's will.
G. Veldian Sibilus IILv2A hunting horn made from Guardian materials. Its song liberates the heart and fortifies one's will.
G. Resounding GalahadLv2An upgraded G. Veldian Sibilus. It echoes finality into the abyss, mourning the imprisoned souls.
Kut-Ku's Song ILv1Who knew Yian Kut-Ku possessed a secret song as strange and stirring as this hunting horn's?
Kut-Ku's Song IILv1Who knew Yian Kut-Ku possessed a secret song as strange and stirring as this hunting horn's?
Kut-Ku CantabileLv1The upgraded form of Kut-Ku's Song. Its odd tones and fiery outbursts are the talk of both field and town.
Poisoned Capri ILv1A hunting horn made from Gypceros parts; modeled after its unique beak and crest.
Poisoned Capri IILv1A hunting horn made from Gypceros parts; modeled after its unique beak and crest.
Crazed MelodyLv1An upgraded Poisoned Capri that orchestrates its prey's descent into death with a hollow gaze.
Veldian Sibilus ILv2An Arkveld hunting horn. This treasure was heaven's gift to a knight who survived many ordeals.
Farsounder HongaLv1An upgraded Dosha Farsounder, now just a savage roar that destroys courage and demands surrender.
Resounding GalahadLv2An upgraded Veldian Sibilus. Ever a servant of the people, its knight was sainted and became legend.