
Temporarily increases elemental attack power and status effects after recovering from blights or abnormal status.
Lv1110/105/105When active, grants a slight increase to elemental damage and status buildup.
Lv2120/110/110When active, grants an increase to elemental damage and status buildup.
Lv3130/115/115When active, grants a large increase to elemental damage and status buildup.
G. Fulgur Helm αLv1Head armor made from Guardian Fulgur Anjanath spoils. To don it is to be seized by unspeakable cravings.
G. Fulgur Mail αLv1Chest armor made from Guardian Fulgur Anjanath spoils. It instills a new vitality and sense of purpose.
G. Fulgur Greaves αLv1Leg armor made from Guardian Fulgur Anjanath spoils. Produces a faint white aura when worn.
G. Fulgur Greaves βLv1Leg armor made from Guardian Fulgur Anjanath spoils. Produces a faint white aura when worn.
Gore Helm αLv1A helmet made from Gore Magala spoils. The nether-black surface thrums with its late master's power.
Gore Helm βLv1A helmet made from Gore Magala spoils. The nether-black surface thrums with its late master's power.
Expedition Headgear αLv1Headgear based on the expedition's emblem. A leaf representing the ideals of harmony and order glitters magnificently for all to see.
Phoenix Charm ILv1A charm that grants the Coalescence skill.
Phoenix Charm IILv2A charm that grants the Coalescence skill.