Increases switch speed and power for switch axes and charge blades.
Lv1 | 110/100 | Speed +10% |
Lv2 | 120/110 | Speed +20% Morph attack damage +10% |
Lv3 | 130/120 | Speed +30% Morph attack damage +20% |
Iron Accelerator I | Lv1 | A switch axe with curved blades for beginners. Both sword and axe cut easily into prey. |
Iron Accelerator II | Lv2 | A switch axe with curved blades for beginners. Both sword and axe cut easily into prey. |
Iron Accelerator III | Lv3 | A switch axe with curved blades for beginners. Both sword and axe cut easily into prey. |
Chrome Accelerator | Lv3 | An upgraded Iron Accelerator with a rare steel. Optimization allows for seamless morphing between modes. |
Nu Zhangyu I | Lv2 | A Nu Udra switch axe. A living monster, the ebon blade lurks in the shadows, ready to exact despair. |
Nu Zhangyu II | Lv3 | A Nu Udra switch axe. A living monster, the ebon blade lurks in the shadows, ready to exact despair. |
Abaddonian Zhangyu | Lv3 | An upgraded Nu Zhangyu. Born of the black and sustained by despair, it sows chaos as it reaps life. |
Hyperguard I | Lv1 | A charge blade in wide circulation. Crude, but it's difficult to break and just the right heft for novices. |
Hyperguard II | Lv2 | A charge blade in wide circulation. Crude, but it's difficult to break and just the right heft for novices. |
Hyperguard III | Lv3 | A charge blade in wide circulation. Crude, but it's difficult to break and just the right heft for novices. |
Regas Hyper | Lv3 | Better metals allow this advanced Hyperguard to dish out extra hurt without sacrificing any handling. |
Nu Pweza I | Lv2 | A Nu Udra charge blade. It traps the living world in a maelstrom of damnation. |
Nu Pweza II | Lv3 | A Nu Udra charge blade. It traps the living world in a maelstrom of damnation. |
Abaddonian Pweza | Lv3 | An upgraded Nu Pweza. From the nethermost reaches, it is poised to immolate all hope in infernal fire. |