Special Ammo Boost

Increases the power of the bowgun's special ammo, and the bow's Dragon Piercer, Thousand Dragons, and Tracer.
Lv1110/110Moderately increases the power of specified ammo and arrows.
Lv2120/120Increases the power of specified ammo and arrows.
Rey Perkonis ILv1A bow imbued with Rey Dau's thunder. Retains a charge even after releasing a thousand bolts.
Rey Perkonis IILv1A bow imbued with Rey Dau's thunder. Retains a charge even after releasing a thousand bolts.
Rey Perkonis IIILv1A bow imbued with Rey Dau's thunder. Retains a charge even after releasing a thousand bolts.
Perkonis ClairbowLv1An upgraded Rey Perkonis. May its dire tendrils illuminate the wilds like a tree of golden destruction.
Dosha Griefbringer ILv1A Guardian Doshaguma bow. To its defiers it shows no mercy, savagely returning them to nature.
Dosha Griefbringer IILv1A Guardian Doshaguma bow. To its defiers it shows no mercy, savagely returning them to nature.
Griefbringer UrstoxLv1An upgraded Dosha Griefbringer. Its destructive impulses transform wielders into violence incarnate.
Wild Power Bow ILv1A powerful Congalala hunting bow strung so tautly that middling strength is insufficient to draw it.
Wild Power Bow IILv1A powerful Congalala hunting bow strung so tautly that middling strength is insufficient to draw it.
Wildwood KalifaLv2An upgraded Wild Power Bow. Not even thick tree trunks can slow its inexorable flight toward prey.
Power StingerLv1A Congalala heavy bowgun that places emphasis on handling, making it a reliable choice for a good hunt.
Power Stinger IILv1A Congalala heavy bowgun that places emphasis on handling, making it a reliable choice for a good hunt.
Wild StingerLv2An upgraded Power Stinger. Reliable in any situation, it takes the "dire" out of "predicament."
Titan Launcher ILv2A Gravios light bowgun designed to support a variety of potent ammo for maximum offensive capability.
Titan PanzerLv2An upgraded Titan Launcher. A single shot delivers the same power as a giant magazine.
Assault Conga ILv1A guerilla-grade light bowgun that uses Congalala spoils. Oh, the fur shock absorber? It's flame-retardant.
Assault Conga IILv1A guerilla-grade light bowgun that uses Congalala spoils. Oh, the fur shock absorber? It's flame-retardant.
Combat CongaLv2An upgraded Assault Conga, specially treated to stay in top condition in harsh environments.