Protective Polish

Weapon sharpness does not decrease for a set time after sharpening.
Lv130Grants no sharpness loss for 30 seconds after activation.
Lv260Grants no sharpness loss for 60 seconds after activation.
Lv390Grants no sharpness loss for 90 seconds after activation.
Nu Krake ILv2A Nu Udra great sword that dooms the craven as soon as they enter the shadow of its falling blade.
Nu Krake IILv2A Nu Udra great sword that dooms the craven as soon as they enter the shadow of its falling blade.
Abaddonian KrakeLv3An upgraded Nu Krake. Take it and descend now into hell to claim total power over life and death.
Jawblade ILv2A great sword of traditional bone. Named as such because it resembles a carnivore's toothy maw.
Giant JawbladeLv2The Jawblade's upgraded form is still powerful, but now it's much sharper too.
Nu Pulpo ILv2A Nu Udra hammer with a hidden eye. At full power, the eye opens to oversee its prey's demise.
Nu Pulpo IILv2A Nu Udra hammer with a hidden eye. At full power, the eye opens to oversee its prey's demise.
Abaddonian PulpoLv3An upgraded Nu Pulpo. Any prey that meets its hungry gaze is gripped by a fear that only death can cure.
Sonic Horn ILv1The faint lamentations of queens turned into insects can be heard in this Vespoid horn's timbre.
Sonic Horn IILv2The faint lamentations of queens turned into insects can be heard in this Vespoid horn's timbre.
Sonic Horn IIILv2The faint lamentations of queens turned into insects can be heard in this Vespoid horn's timbre.
Sonic Horn IVLv3The faint lamentations of queens turned into insects can be heard in this Vespoid horn's timbre.
Glass RoyaleLv3Now deeper and richer in tone, this Vespoid hunting horn plays a paean to the lost queens.