Offensive Guard

Temporarily increases attack power after executing a perfectly-timed guard.
Lv1105Attack +5% while active.
Lv2110Attack +10% while active.
Lv3115Attack +15% while active.
Immane Blade ILv1Unique Nerscylla materials gave rise to this ingenious great sword that defies the limits of the forge.
Immane Blade IILv1Unique Nerscylla materials gave rise to this ingenious great sword that defies the limits of the forge.
Immane Blade IIILv2Unique Nerscylla materials gave rise to this ingenious great sword that defies the limits of the forge.
Immolator BladeLv2The Immane Blade's upgraded form, a hulk of devastation with a keen edge that sunders prey in twain.
Rey Kuara ILv1A sword & shield imbued with Rey Dau's thunder that disintegrates matter with each galvanic swing.
Rey Kuara IILv1A sword & shield imbued with Rey Dau's thunder that disintegrates matter with each galvanic swing.
Rey Kuara IIILv1A sword & shield imbued with Rey Dau's thunder that disintegrates matter with each galvanic swing.
Kuara ClairswordLv1An upgraded Rey Kuara. With each flash of the blade, it announces itself in a scream of lightning.
Quematrice Cuchillo ILv1A Quematrice sword & shield with a replaceable blade—useful when repeated ignitions mar its surface.
Quematrice Cuchillo IILv2A Quematrice sword & shield with a replaceable blade—useful when repeated ignitions mar its surface.
Quematrice Cuchillo IIILv2A Quematrice sword & shield with a replaceable blade—useful when repeated ignitions mar its surface.
Quematrice Cuchillo IVLv3A Quematrice sword & shield with a replaceable blade—useful when repeated ignitions mar its surface.
Firetrail FornaxLv3An upgraded Quematrice Cuchillo. Owners got what they asked for: hotter flurries, toastier carnage.
Balahara Blade ILv1A Balahara sword & shield with a hardened edge designed to effectively hack away at targets.
Balahara Blade IILv2A Balahara sword & shield with a hardened edge designed to effectively hack away at targets.
Balahara Blade IIILv2A Balahara sword & shield with a hardened edge designed to effectively hack away at targets.
Balahara Blade IVLv3A Balahara sword & shield with a hardened edge designed to effectively hack away at targets.
Sandsea KatduvaLv3An upgraded Balahara Blade. When crossing the sands, warriors live and die by their choice of weapon.
Ajara Saber ILv2An Ajarakan sword & shield, designed to envelop the hands and protect against fiery blowback.
Ajara Saber IILv3An Ajarakan sword & shield, designed to envelop the hands and protect against fiery blowback.
Ajara-SubindaLv3An upgraded Ajara Saber. It packs enough heat now to make the air shimmer and the earth blacken.
Snow-white Jambiya ILv1A Blangonga sword & shield. Its shape and thin coating of frost make it quick on the draw.
Snow Lion JambiyaLv1An upgraded Snow-white Jambiya. Show it the proper respect, and its ice will be yours to control.
Balahara Lance ILv1A Balahara lance with spiral grooves that heighten its ability to penetrate and inflict damage.
Balahara Lance IILv2A Balahara lance with spiral grooves that heighten its ability to penetrate and inflict damage.
Balahara Lance IIILv2A Balahara lance with spiral grooves that heighten its ability to penetrate and inflict damage.
Balahara Lance IVLv3A Balahara lance with spiral grooves that heighten its ability to penetrate and inflict damage.
Sandsea PrallayaLv3An upgraded Balahara Lance that blends cutting and piercing power. The blade rotates when drawn.
Rey Indra ILv1A lance imbued with Rey Dau's thunder. Oddly shaped, but strikes true as lightning.
Rey Indra IILv1A lance imbued with Rey Dau's thunder. Oddly shaped, but strikes true as lightning.
Rey Indra IIILv1A lance imbued with Rey Dau's thunder. Oddly shaped, but strikes true as lightning.
Indra ClairlanceLv1An upgraded Rey Indra. To invaders it shows no quarter, punishing legions with each fulgurant bite.
Nu Osminog ILv2A Nu Udra lance that binds weapon and wielder in a web of tentacles, eager to drag prey down to hell.
Nu Osminog IILv3A Nu Udra lance that binds weapon and wielder in a web of tentacles, eager to drag prey down to hell.
Abaddonian OsminogLv3An upgraded Nu Osminog. Up from the inferno its dire tentacles climb, enveloping impaled prey in flame.
Dosha Gloomborer ILv2A Guardian Doshaguma lance. To its defiers it shows no mercy, viciously returning them to nature.
Dosha Gloomborer IILv3A Guardian Doshaguma lance. To its defiers it shows no mercy, viciously returning them to nature.
Gloomborer UrshanithLv3An upgraded Dosha Gloomborer. Its destructive impulses transform wielders into violence incarnate.
Chthonian Firewheel ILv2A Guardian Ebony Odogaron lance. Beholden to beastly cravings, its thirst for blood never wanes.
Chthonian Firewheel IILv3A Guardian Ebony Odogaron lance. Beholden to beastly cravings, its thirst for blood never wanes.
Bequeathed RegretLv3An upgraded Chthonian Firewheel. Despite chewing free of its cycle of hunger, the beast remains unsated.
Balahara Exploder ILv1A Balahara gunlance with a powder magazine that is engineered to be heat and water resistant.
Balahara Exploder IILv2A Balahara gunlance with a powder magazine that is engineered to be heat and water resistant.
Balahara Exploder IIILv2A Balahara gunlance with a powder magazine that is engineered to be heat and water resistant.
Balahara Exploder IVLv3A Balahara gunlance with a powder magazine that is engineered to be heat and water resistant.
Sandsea VisponanLv3An upgraded Balahara Exploder. Capable of reducing mountains to sand, flowing like water.
Ajara Gunpike ILv1An Ajarakan gunlance that produces high-powered blasts of heat to instantly remove all in its path.
Ajara Gunpike IILv1An Ajarakan gunlance that produces high-powered blasts of heat to instantly remove all in its path.
Ajara-KalikaLv1An Ajara Gunpike by its true name. Arrogantly, and with an absence of mercy, it eradicates all defiers.
Paretic Gunlance ILv1A gunlance with a striking black blade and paralytic agents. Watch out for its potent red edge.
Paretic Gunlance IILv2A gunlance with a striking black blade and paralytic agents. Watch out for its potent red edge.
Paretic Gunlance IIILv2A gunlance with a striking black blade and paralytic agents. Watch out for its potent red edge.
Paretic Gunlance IVLv3A gunlance with a striking black blade and paralytic agents. Watch out for its potent red edge.
Debilitating TorporLv3An upgraded Paretic Gunlance. Each flash blooms like a rose— and its thorns will stop prey dead.
Arachnoscale ILv1A Nerscylla charge blade that uses its uniquely shaped parts to release frictional heat from slashes.
Arachnoscale IILv1A Nerscylla charge blade that uses its uniquely shaped parts to release frictional heat from slashes.
Arachnoscale IIILv2A Nerscylla charge blade that uses its uniquely shaped parts to release frictional heat from slashes.
ArachnoscytheLv2An upgraded Arachnoscale. The improved heat releaser can cut through thick plating like butter.
Chthonian Flame ILv2A Guardian Ebony Odogaron charge blade. Beholden to beastly cravings, its thirst for blood never wanes.
Chthonian Flame IILv3A Guardian Ebony Odogaron charge blade. Beholden to beastly cravings, its thirst for blood never wanes.
Bequeathed EnmityLv3An upgraded Chthonian Flame. Despite chewing free of its cycle of hunger, the beast remains unsated.
Ner Bustergun ILv1A Heavy Bowgun that leverages the Nerscylla's stretchy materials to achieve good handling and firepower.
Ner Bustergun IILv1A Heavy Bowgun that leverages the Nerscylla's stretchy materials to achieve good handling and firepower.
Ner Bustergun IIILv2A Heavy Bowgun that leverages the Nerscylla's stretchy materials to achieve good handling and firepower.
Buster BlasterLv2An upgraded Ner Bustergun. Much like the Nerscylla, its well- aimed strikes eviscerate prey.