Increases affinity of bowgun ammo/ coatings from the fourth shot and attack of the fourth and sixth shots.
Lv1 | 8/3/105/105 | Slightly increases the attack power and affinity of ammo after certain conditions are met. |
Lv2 | 10/6/105/105 | Moderately increases attack power and affinity of ammo after certain conditions are met. |
Lv3 | 12/10/105/105 | Increases the attack power and affinity of ammo after certain conditions are met. |
Dragon Perforator I | Lv1 | An elaborate bow with gears that minimize draw weight yet produce enough force to puncture scales. |
Dragon Perforator II | Lv2 | An elaborate bow with gears that minimize draw weight yet produce enough force to puncture scales. |
Dragon Perforator III | Lv3 | An elaborate bow with gears that minimize draw weight yet produce enough force to puncture scales. |
True Dragon Perforator | Lv3 | The upgraded Dragon Perforator, a collaborative work created with precious steel to thwart any defense. |
Queen Blaster I | Lv2 | A deep green hunting bow that uses Rathian plating for its equally regal and stunningly supple frame. |
Queen Blaster II | Lv3 | A deep green hunting bow that uses Rathian plating for its equally regal and stunningly supple frame. |
Queen's Melody | Lv3 | The Queen Blaster's upgraded form, a deadly picture of beauty that arrests the souls of all who tread her land. |
Uth Khviluk I | Lv2 | An Uth Duna bow imbued with gratitude to all creation. Each arrow nocked is blessed. |
Uth Khviluk II | Lv2 | An Uth Duna bow imbued with gratitude to all creation. Each arrow nocked is blessed. |
Uth Khviluk III | Lv3 | An Uth Duna bow imbued with gratitude to all creation. Each arrow nocked is blessed. |
Khviluk-of-the-Waves | Lv3 | An upgraded Uth Khviluk. Each arrow flies on the breath of nature, a messenger of glory. |
Blan Sharanga I | Lv3 | A long, pliant bow reminiscent of a Blangonga tail. The unique quiver cloaks arrows in ice. |
Singha Sharanga | Lv3 | A stronger, more pliant Blan Sharanga said to loose arrows capable of bringing down the sun. |
Uth Dalgap I | Lv2 | An Uth Duna heavy bowgun that puts cannons to shame with its powerful, high-compression rounds. |
Uth Dalgap II | Lv2 | An Uth Duna heavy bowgun that puts cannons to shame with its powerful, high-compression rounds. |
Uth Dalgap III | Lv3 | An Uth Duna heavy bowgun that puts cannons to shame with its powerful, high-compression rounds. |
Dalgap-of-the-Waves | Lv3 | An upgraded Uth Dalgap. With every veil flutter, this piscine paragon unleashes a cascade of gunfire. |
Iron Assault I | Lv1 | A simple bowgun that's perfect for beginners. |
Iron Assault II | Lv2 | A simple bowgun that's perfect for beginners. |
Iron Assault III | Lv3 | A simple bowgun that's perfect for beginners. |
Steel Assault | Lv3 | It may look like a simple bowgun, but in the hands of an expert, watch out! |
Queen's Longfire I | Lv2 | A Rathian heavy bowgun that delivers fire resistance and the consistent, hard-hitting firepower hunters love. |
Queen's Longfire II | Lv3 | A Rathian heavy bowgun that delivers fire resistance and the consistent, hard-hitting firepower hunters love. |
Queen's Farflier | Lv3 | The upgraded form of the Queen's Longfire, a sleek- barreled technical marvel that only veterans can wield. |
G. Veldian Tormentum I | Lv2 | A heavy bowgun made from Guardian spoils. Cold and weighty, it quiets the pulse and preserves composure. |
G. Veldian Tormentum II | Lv2 | A heavy bowgun made from Guardian spoils. Cold and weighty, it quiets the pulse and preserves composure. |
G. Aeternal Palamedes | Lv2 | An upgraded G. Veldian Tormentum. Even after the last shot is fired, its soul yearns to take life. |
Veldian Tormentum I | Lv3 | An Arkveld heavy bowgun. Famously, a knight of an ancient impregnable city used it to repel intruders. |
Aeternal Palamedes | Lv3 | An upgraded Veldian Tormentum. In service to its knight, it picked off all threats with eerie precision. |
Chain Blitz I | Lv1 | A light bowgun with a simple, but reliable, iron construction that is issued to new hunters on the field. |
Chain Blitz II | Lv2 | A light bowgun with a simple, but reliable, iron construction that is issued to new hunters on the field. |
Chain Blitz III | Lv2 | A light bowgun with a simple, but reliable, iron construction that is issued to new hunters on the field. |
High Chain Blitz | Lv3 | For this upgraded Chain Blitz, they used high-grade ore and returned to square one for the firing mechanism. |
Valkyrie Fire I | Lv2 | A stunning light bowgun that savages targets with fire, like a Rathian alighting on her prey. |
Valkyrie Fire II | Lv3 | A stunning light bowgun that savages targets with fire, like a Rathian alighting on her prey. |
Valkyrie Flame | Lv3 | An upgraded Valkyrie Fire. All who defy the queen are mowed down in a swath of exquisite pain. |
Chthonian Gunfire I | Lv2 | A Guardian Ebony Odogaron light bowgun. Beholden to beastly cravings, its thirst for blood never wanes. |
Chthonian Gunfire II | Lv3 | A Guardian Ebony Odogaron light bowgun. Beholden to beastly cravings, its thirst for blood never wanes. |
Bequeathed Animus | Lv3 | An upgraded Chthonian Gunfire. Despite chewing free of its cycle of hunger, the beast remains unsated. |
Windshear Light I | Lv2 | A Hirabami light bowgun that produces wind in the barrel to fire rounds at lightning speed. |
Windshear Light II | Lv2 | A Hirabami light bowgun that produces wind in the barrel to fire rounds at lightning speed. |
Windshear Light III | Lv3 | A Hirabami light bowgun that produces wind in the barrel to fire rounds at lightning speed. |
Windshear Uchibami | Lv3 | An upgraded Windshear Light that can find its mark even in the midst of the harshest windstorm. |