Extends the range in which ammo and arrows have maximum power.
Lv1 |
| Slightly extends range. |
Lv2 |
| Extends range. |
Lv3 |
| Greatly extends range. |
Hope Bow II | Lv1 | A bow made specifically for the expedition. Its arrows can be used to handle a variety of situations. |
Hope Bow III | Lv1 | A bow made specifically for the expedition. Its arrows can be used to handle a variety of situations. |
Hope Bow IV | Lv2 | A bow made specifically for the expedition. Its arrows can be used to handle a variety of situations. |
Hope Bow V | Lv3 | A bow made specifically for the expedition. Its arrows can be used to handle a variety of situations. |
Albirath Bow I | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos bow. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Albirath Bow II | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos bow. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
Solar Spicule | Lv1 | An upgraded Albirath Bow. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power. |
Dosha Griefbringer I | Lv1 | A Guardian Doshaguma bow. To its defiers it shows no mercy, savagely returning them to nature. |
Dosha Griefbringer II | Lv2 | A Guardian Doshaguma bow. To its defiers it shows no mercy, savagely returning them to nature. |
Griefbringer Urstox | Lv2 | An upgraded Dosha Griefbringer. Its destructive impulses transform wielders into violence incarnate. |
Esperanza Bow | Lv3 | A fully field-tested Hope Bow. No matter what gloom lies ahead, its arrows always strike true. |
Hope Cannon II | Lv1 | A heavy bowgun made specifically for the expedition. Each part was designed to aid high-power shots. |
Hope Cannon III | Lv1 | A heavy bowgun made specifically for the expedition. Each part was designed to aid high-power shots. |
Hope Cannon IV | Lv2 | A heavy bowgun made specifically for the expedition. Each part was designed to aid high-power shots. |
Hope Cannon V | Lv3 | A heavy bowgun made specifically for the expedition. Each part was designed to aid high-power shots. |
Esperanza Cannon | Lv3 | A fully field-tested Hope Cannon. Its powerful, diverse ammo lights the world and banishes despair. |
Hope Rifle II | Lv1 | A light bowgun made specifically for the expedition. Its rapid-fire mechanism rains bullets on prey. |
Hope Rifle III | Lv1 | A light bowgun made specifically for the expedition. Its rapid-fire mechanism rains bullets on prey. |
Hope Rifle IV | Lv2 | A light bowgun made specifically for the expedition. Its rapid fire mechanism rains bullets on prey. |
Hope Rifle V | Lv3 | A light bowgun made specifically for the expedition. Its rapid fire mechanism rains bullets on prey. |
Kut-Ku Anger I | Lv2 | A light bowgun fashioned to resemble the Yian Kut-Ku's head and spew just as much rage from its maw. |
Kut-Ku Anger II | Lv3 | A light bowgun fashioned to resemble the Yian Kut-Ku's head and spew just as much rage from its maw. |
Kut-Ku Counterattack | Lv3 | The Kut-Ku Anger's upgraded form. It can hold its own against even a wyvern. Take that, doubters! |
G. Rathling Gun I | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos light bowgun. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
G. Rathling Gun II | Lv1 | A Guardian Rathalos light bowgun. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates. |
White Rathling Phoenix | Lv1 | An upgraded G. Rathling Gun. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power. |
Esperanza Rifle | Lv3 | A fully field-tested Hope Rifle. Like rain in times of drought, it restores hope to the battlefield. |