
Extends the range in which ammo and arrows have maximum power.
Lv1Slightly extends range.
Lv2Extends range.
Lv3Greatly extends range.
Hope Bow IILv1A bow made specifically for the expedition. Its arrows can be used to handle a variety of situations.
Hope Bow IIILv1A bow made specifically for the expedition. Its arrows can be used to handle a variety of situations.
Hope Bow IVLv2A bow made specifically for the expedition. Its arrows can be used to handle a variety of situations.
Hope Bow VLv3A bow made specifically for the expedition. Its arrows can be used to handle a variety of situations.
Albirath Bow ILv1A Guardian Rathalos bow. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Albirath Bow IILv1A Guardian Rathalos bow. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
Solar SpiculeLv1An upgraded Albirath Bow. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power.
Dosha Griefbringer ILv1A Guardian Doshaguma bow. To its defiers it shows no mercy, savagely returning them to nature.
Dosha Griefbringer IILv2A Guardian Doshaguma bow. To its defiers it shows no mercy, savagely returning them to nature.
Griefbringer UrstoxLv2An upgraded Dosha Griefbringer. Its destructive impulses transform wielders into violence incarnate.
Esperanza BowLv3A fully field-tested Hope Bow. No matter what gloom lies ahead, its arrows always strike true.
Hope Cannon IILv1A heavy bowgun made specifically for the expedition. Each part was designed to aid high-power shots.
Hope Cannon IIILv1A heavy bowgun made specifically for the expedition. Each part was designed to aid high-power shots.
Hope Cannon IVLv2A heavy bowgun made specifically for the expedition. Each part was designed to aid high-power shots.
Hope Cannon VLv3A heavy bowgun made specifically for the expedition. Each part was designed to aid high-power shots.
Esperanza CannonLv3A fully field-tested Hope Cannon. Its powerful, diverse ammo lights the world and banishes despair.
Hope Rifle IILv1A light bowgun made specifically for the expedition. Its rapid-fire mechanism rains bullets on prey.
Hope Rifle IIILv1A light bowgun made specifically for the expedition. Its rapid-fire mechanism rains bullets on prey.
Hope Rifle IVLv2A light bowgun made specifically for the expedition. Its rapid fire mechanism rains bullets on prey.
Hope Rifle VLv3A light bowgun made specifically for the expedition. Its rapid fire mechanism rains bullets on prey.
Kut-Ku Anger ILv2A light bowgun fashioned to resemble the Yian Kut-Ku's head and spew just as much rage from its maw.
Kut-Ku Anger IILv3A light bowgun fashioned to resemble the Yian Kut-Ku's head and spew just as much rage from its maw.
Kut-Ku CounterattackLv3The Kut-Ku Anger's upgraded form. It can hold its own against even a wyvern. Take that, doubters!
G. Rathling Gun ILv1A Guardian Rathalos light bowgun. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
G. Rathling Gun IILv1A Guardian Rathalos light bowgun. Like a blazing fire, its wielder's spirit never abates.
White Rathling PhoenixLv1An upgraded G. Rathling Gun. A regal soul rests within its immaculate flood of power.
Esperanza RifleLv3A fully field-tested Hope Rifle. Like rain in times of drought, it restores hope to the battlefield.