Increases the bowgun's reload speed and increases the power of bullets when fully loaded.
Lv1 | 5/5/110/110 | Moderately increases bowgun reload speed and attack power of ammo when certain conditions are met. |
Lv2 | 10/10/110/110 | Increases bowgun reload speed and attack power of ammo when certain conditions are met. |
Lv3 | 15/15/110/110 | Greatly increases bowgun reload speed and attack power of ammo when certain conditions are met. |
Chata Sheller I | Lv1 | A Chatacabra heavy bowgun that features a large-caliber magazine that emphasizes firepower. |
Chata Sheller II | Lv2 | A Chatacabra heavy bowgun that features a large-caliber magazine that emphasizes firepower. |
Chata Sheller III | Lv2 | A Chatacabra heavy bowgun that features a large-caliber magazine that emphasizes firepower. |
Chata Sheller IV | Lv3 | A Chatacabra heavy bowgun that features a large-caliber magazine that emphasizes firepower. |
Power Stinger II | Lv1 | A Congalala heavy bowgun that places emphasis on handling, making it a reliable choice for a good hunt. |
Wild Stinger | Lv1 | An upgraded Power Stinger. Reliable in any situation, it takes the "dire" out of "predicament." |
Nu Muneo I | Lv2 | A Nu Udra heavy bowgun as fearsome as its namesake. To even hold its grotesque barrel saps one's sanity. |
Nu Muneo II | Lv3 | A Nu Udra heavy bowgun as fearsome as its namesake. To even hold its grotesque barrel saps one's sanity. |
Abaddonian Muneo | Lv3 | An upgraded Nu Muneo that writhes revoltingly, its darkness so vast that misfortune bows to it. |
Shrouded Muktana | Lv3 | An upgraded Chata Sheller with a reexamined design, yielding firepower that can obliterate boulders. |
Rey Szelatya I | Lv1 | A light bowgun imbued with Rey Dau's thunder. Its morphing mechanism changes shape to optimize firing. |
Rey Szelatya II | Lv1 | A light bowgun imbued with Rey Dau's thunder. Its morphing mechanism changes shape to optimize firing. |
Rey Szelatya III | Lv2 | A light bowgun imbued with Rey Dau's thunder. Its morphing mechanism changes shape to optimize firing. |
Szelatya Clairgun | Lv2 | An upgraded Rey Szelatya. May its scintillating bolts scorch the sky and rip the very earth apart. |
Dosha Faithbreaker I | Lv1 | A Doshaguma light bowgun. Light on the trigger, it pumps projectiles into quarry with astonishing ease. |
Dosha Faithbreaker II | Lv2 | A Doshaguma light bowgun. Light on the trigger, it pumps projectiles into quarry with astonishing ease. |
Dosha Faithbreaker III | Lv3 | A Doshaguma light bowgun. Light on the trigger, it pumps projectiles into quarry with astonishing ease. |
Assault Conga II | Lv1 | A guerilla-grade light bowgun that uses Congalala spoils. Oh, the fur shock absorber? It's flame-retardant. |
Combat Conga | Lv1 | An upgraded Assault Conga, specially treated to stay in top condition in harsh environments. |
Tail String I | Lv3 | A light bowgun covered in white Blangonga fur. Its rounds rip through prey like a violent blizzard. |
Tail Catapult | Lv3 | An upgraded Tail String that uses superior materials, overwhelming prey with an avalanche of gunfire. |
Hunter's Rifle I | Lv1 | A light bowgun crafted from a medley of bones. Consistent performance and zero bulk make it great for novices. |
Hunter's Rifle II | Lv1 | A light bowgun crafted from a medley of bones. Consistent performance and zero bulk make it great for novices. |
Hunter's Rifle III | Lv2 | A light bowgun crafted from a medley of bones. Consistent performance and zero bulk make it great for novices. |
Hunter's Rifle IV | Lv3 | A light bowgun crafted from a medley of bones. Consistent performance and zero bulk make it great for novices. |
Power Rifle | Lv3 | Only quality bones are used in this upgraded Hunter's Rifle, lending it superior response and handling. |
Nu Chobotnice I | Lv2 | A Nu Udra light bowgun. From the darkness it takes aim, its prey left unaware of the threat it faces. |
Nu Chobotnice II | Lv3 | A Nu Udra light bowgun. From the darkness it takes aim, its prey left unaware of the threat it faces. |
Abaddonian Chobotnice | Lv3 | An upgraded Nu Chobotnice. Each shot from the abyss screams forth like a nightmarish messenger. |
G. Veldian Impetum I | Lv2 | A light bowgun made from Guardian spoils. It galvanizes the body with unknown power, assuring accuracy. |
G. Veldian Impetum II | Lv2 | A light bowgun made from Guardian spoils. It galvanizes the body with unknown power, assuring accuracy. |
G. Expiating Caius | Lv2 | An upgraded G. Veldian Impetum. It echoes finality across the sky in an angelic song of salvation. |
Veldian Impetum I | Lv3 | An Arkveld light bowgun. In ancient days, a knight used such a weapon to gain renown as a wyvern hunter. |
Faithbreaker Leibolkule | Lv3 | An upgraded Dosha Faithbreaker. Its gunfire rips through quarry as mercilessly as a stampede. |
Expiating Caius | Lv3 | An upgraded Veldian Impetum. Even giant wyverns fall when faced with its storms of precise bullets. |