Opening Shot

Increases the bowgun's reload speed and increases the power of bullets when fully loaded.
Lv15/5/110/110Moderately increases bowgun reload speed and attack power of ammo when certain conditions are met.
Lv210/10/110/110Increases bowgun reload speed and attack power of ammo when certain conditions are met.
Lv315/15/110/110Greatly increases bowgun reload speed and attack power of ammo when certain conditions are met.
Chata Sheller ILv1A Chatacabra heavy bowgun that features a large-caliber magazine that emphasizes firepower.
Chata Sheller IILv2A Chatacabra heavy bowgun that features a large-caliber magazine that emphasizes firepower.
Chata Sheller IIILv2A Chatacabra heavy bowgun that features a large-caliber magazine that emphasizes firepower.
Chata Sheller IVLv3A Chatacabra heavy bowgun that features a large-caliber magazine that emphasizes firepower.
Power Stinger IILv1A Congalala heavy bowgun that places emphasis on handling, making it a reliable choice for a good hunt.
Wild StingerLv1An upgraded Power Stinger. Reliable in any situation, it takes the "dire" out of "predicament."
Nu Muneo ILv2A Nu Udra heavy bowgun as fearsome as its namesake. To even hold its grotesque barrel saps one's sanity.
Nu Muneo IILv3A Nu Udra heavy bowgun as fearsome as its namesake. To even hold its grotesque barrel saps one's sanity.
Abaddonian MuneoLv3An upgraded Nu Muneo that writhes revoltingly, its darkness so vast that misfortune bows to it.
Shrouded MuktanaLv3An upgraded Chata Sheller with a reexamined design, yielding firepower that can obliterate boulders.
Rey Szelatya ILv1A light bowgun imbued with Rey Dau's thunder. Its morphing mechanism changes shape to optimize firing.
Rey Szelatya IILv1A light bowgun imbued with Rey Dau's thunder. Its morphing mechanism changes shape to optimize firing.
Rey Szelatya IIILv2A light bowgun imbued with Rey Dau's thunder. Its morphing mechanism changes shape to optimize firing.
Szelatya ClairgunLv2An upgraded Rey Szelatya. May its scintillating bolts scorch the sky and rip the very earth apart.
Dosha Faithbreaker ILv1A Doshaguma light bowgun. Light on the trigger, it pumps projectiles into quarry with astonishing ease.
Dosha Faithbreaker IILv2A Doshaguma light bowgun. Light on the trigger, it pumps projectiles into quarry with astonishing ease.
Dosha Faithbreaker IIILv3A Doshaguma light bowgun. Light on the trigger, it pumps projectiles into quarry with astonishing ease.
Assault Conga IILv1A guerilla-grade light bowgun that uses Congalala spoils. Oh, the fur shock absorber? It's flame-retardant.
Combat CongaLv1An upgraded Assault Conga, specially treated to stay in top condition in harsh environments.
Tail String ILv3A light bowgun covered in white Blangonga fur. Its rounds rip through prey like a violent blizzard.
Tail CatapultLv3An upgraded Tail String that uses superior materials, overwhelming prey with an avalanche of gunfire.
Hunter's Rifle ILv1A light bowgun crafted from a medley of bones. Consistent performance and zero bulk make it great for novices.
Hunter's Rifle IILv1A light bowgun crafted from a medley of bones. Consistent performance and zero bulk make it great for novices.
Hunter's Rifle IIILv2A light bowgun crafted from a medley of bones. Consistent performance and zero bulk make it great for novices.
Hunter's Rifle IVLv3A light bowgun crafted from a medley of bones. Consistent performance and zero bulk make it great for novices.
Power RifleLv3Only quality bones are used in this upgraded Hunter's Rifle, lending it superior response and handling.
Nu Chobotnice ILv2A Nu Udra light bowgun. From the darkness it takes aim, its prey left unaware of the threat it faces.
Nu Chobotnice IILv3A Nu Udra light bowgun. From the darkness it takes aim, its prey left unaware of the threat it faces.
Abaddonian ChobotniceLv3An upgraded Nu Chobotnice. Each shot from the abyss screams forth like a nightmarish messenger.
G. Veldian Impetum ILv2A light bowgun made from Guardian spoils. It galvanizes the body with unknown power, assuring accuracy.
G. Veldian Impetum IILv2A light bowgun made from Guardian spoils. It galvanizes the body with unknown power, assuring accuracy.
G. Expiating CaiusLv2An upgraded G. Veldian Impetum. It echoes finality across the sky in an angelic song of salvation.
Veldian Impetum ILv3An Arkveld light bowgun. In ancient days, a knight used such a weapon to gain renown as a wyvern hunter.
Faithbreaker LeibolkuleLv3An upgraded Dosha Faithbreaker. Its gunfire rips through quarry as mercilessly as a stampede.
Expiating CaiusLv3An upgraded Veldian Impetum. Even giant wyverns fall when faced with its storms of precise bullets.