Recovery Up

Increases the amount recovered when restoring health.
Lv1110Slightly increases recovery.
Lv2120Moderately increases recovery.
Lv3130Greatly increases recovery.
Barina VambracesLv1Lala Barina armguards that are so elegant they could pass as formal wear.
Barina CoilLv1Lala Barina waistgear that nobility would gladly don just to make an impression.
Barina GreavesLv1Lala Barina leg armor. Pulls the rose motif back in with subtle but elegant detailing.
Kut-Ku Coil αLv2Waistgear crafted from Yian Kut-Ku parts. Beware of its sharp, spine-covered exterior!
Kut-Ku Greaves αLv1Leg armor made from Yian Kut-Ku spoils. The exceptional design prioritizes ease of movement.
Kut-Ku Coil βLv1Waistgear crafted from Yian Kut-Ku parts. Beware of its sharp, spine-covered exterior!
Kut-Ku Greaves βLv1Leg armor made from Yian Kut-Ku spoils. The exceptional design prioritizes ease of movement.
Barina Mail αLv2Lala Barina chest armor. It may look like normal clothing, but it's just as hardy as armor.
Barina Vambraces αLv1Lala Barina armguards that are so elegant they could pass as formal wear.
Barina Mail βLv1Lala Barina chest armor. It may look like normal clothing, but it's just as hardy as armor.
Barina Vambraces βLv1Lala Barina armguards that are so elegant they could pass as formal wear.
Doshaguma Greaves αLv2Doshaguma leg armor. Whether dune or sandstorm, nothing can slow its wearer's progress.
Doshaguma Greaves βLv1Doshaguma leg armor. Whether dune or sandstorm, nothing can slow its wearer's progress.
Damascus Mail αLv2Steel chest armor capable of stopping a thousand arrows as it leads the wearer to glory.
Damascus Coil αLv1Steel waistgear said to lead its wearer to glory. Rarely glimpsed in a lifetime.
Butterfly Crura αLv2Dazzling armor made from insect parts. Its light weight and color are proof of one's class.
Melahoa Folia αLv3Fragrant waistgear that is silky to the touch. Its sweet scent reminds hunters of times gone by.
Recovery Charm ILv1A charm that grants the Recovery Up skill.
Recovery Charm IILv2A charm that grants the Recovery Up skill.
Recovery Charm IIILv3A charm that grants the Recovery Up skill.
Hope CharmLv1A charm that grants the Self- Improvement and Recovery Up skills.