High Metal α

High Metal Helm αArmor made from a generous portion of ore. Don't worry, it breathes surprisingly well.
High Metal Mail αArmor made from a generous portion of ore. Can repel even the fiercest blows.
High Metal Braces αArmor made from a generous portion of ore. Ordinary attacks won't even scratch it!
High Metal Coil αArmor made from a generous portion of ore. Has multiple layers for extra protection.
High Metal Greaves αArmor made from a generous portion of ore. Renowned for its ability to withstand monster attacks.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadHigh Metal Helm α440-1-230
ChestHigh Metal Mail α440-1-230
ArmsHigh Metal Braces α440-1-230
WaistHigh Metal Coil α440-1-230
LegsHigh Metal Greaves α440-1-230
SlotsEquipment Skills
HeadHigh Metal Helm α[2][0][0]
ChestHigh Metal Mail α[2][0][0]
ArmsHigh Metal Braces α[2][0][0]
WaistHigh Metal Coil α[2][0][0]
LegsHigh Metal Greaves α[2][0][0]
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Imparted Wisdom5
Stun Resistance3Prevents stun.
Partbreaker3Increases part damage and damage dealt when conditions are met by 30%.
Iron Skin3Prevents defense down.
Blast Resistance3Prevents blastblight.
Bombardier3Explosive power +30%
Aquatic/Oilsilt Mobility2Also negates the effects of waves.
Flinch Free3Prevents knockbacks and tripping.
Bleeding Resistance3Prevents bleeding.