King Beetle α

King Beetle Vertex αArmor to fulfill the ambitions of those who dreamed of wielding the power to rule over bugdom.
King Beetle Thorax αChest armor so tough it's hard to believe that it's made from insect parts.
King Beetle Brachia αArmor to fulfill the ambitions of those who dreamed of wielding the power to rule over bug-kind.
King Beetle Elytra αWaistgear made from insect materials. Wearers resemble a black bullet when running.
King Beetle Crura αArmor so perfect that one could get tread upon by a wyvern and not even flinch.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadKing Beetle Vertex α44-1-1202
ChestKing Beetle Thorax α44-1-1202
ArmsKing Beetle Brachia α44-1-1202
WaistKing Beetle Elytra α44-1-1202
LegsKing Beetle Crura α44-1-1202
SlotsEquipment Skills
HeadKing Beetle Vertex α[2][0][0]
ChestKing Beetle Thorax α[2][0][0]
ArmsKing Beetle Brachia α[2][0][0]
WaistKing Beetle Elytra α[2][0][0]
LegsKing Beetle Crura α[2][0][0]
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Imparted Wisdom5
Heroics5Attack +30% and defense-increasing effects are negated while active.
Foray3Attack +10 and affinity +10% against large monsters affected by poison or paralysis.
Sleep Resistance1Reduces the duration of sleep by 30%.
Paralysis Resistance2Reduces the duration of paralysis by 60%.
Poison Resistance2Greatly reduces the number of times you take poison damage.
Flayer2Makes it moderately easier to inflict wounds. Also deals slightly more additional non-elemental damage.