Melahoa α

Melahoa Hat αFragrant head protection that instills a deep longing to return to the old days.
Melahoa Jacket αFragrant chest armor that brings tears to the wearer's eyes as they cannot help remembering the past.
Melahoa Branch αFragrant armguards with pastel coloring and a nostalgic scent that tug at an aging hunter's heart.
Melahoa Folia αFragrant waistgear that is silky to the touch. Its sweet scent reminds hunters of times gone by.
Melahoa Roots αFragrant leg armor that could intoxicate even a wyvern with its sweet, wafting aroma.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadMelahoa Hat α4401300
ChestMelahoa Jacket α4401300
ArmsMelahoa Branch α4401300
WaistMelahoa Folia α4401300
LegsMelahoa Roots α4401300
SlotsEquipment Skills
HeadMelahoa Hat α[2][0][0]
ChestMelahoa Jacket α[2][0][0]
ArmsMelahoa Branch α[2][0][0]
WaistMelahoa Folia α[2][0][0]
LegsMelahoa Roots α[2][0][0]
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Imparted Wisdom5
Survival Expert3Restores 100 health.
Poison Resistance2Greatly reduces the number of times you take poison damage.
Tool Specialist3Shortens recharge time by 30%.
Recovery Speed3Quadruples the speed at which you heal recoverable damage.
Paralysis Resistance2Reduces the duration of paralysis by 60%.
Recovery Up3Greatly increases recovery.
Bleeding Resistance2Greatly reduces damage while bleeding.
Mushroomancer3Additionally lets you digest mandragoras, devil's blight, and exciteshrooms.