Artian α

Artian Helm αHead armor made of eldritch scraps. Artisans debated its design for seven nights.
Artian Mail αChest armor made from eldritch scraps, which even the Smithy struggled with.
Artian Vambraces αArm guards made from eldritch scraps. Unlocking its potential took patience.
Artian Coil αWaistgear made from eldritch scraps. Its original purpose remains a mystery.
Artian Greaves αLeg armor made from eldritch scraps. Wearing it bestows tremendous power.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadArtian Helm α441-2-223
ChestArtian Mail α441-2-223
ArmsArtian Vambraces α441-2-223
WaistArtian Coil α441-2-223
LegsArtian Greaves α441-2-223
SlotsEquipment Skills
HeadArtian Helm α[2][1][0]
ChestArtian Mail α[2][1][1]
ArmsArtian Vambraces α[2][0][0]
WaistArtian Coil α[2][0][0]
LegsArtian Greaves α[2][0][0]
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Guardian's Protection5
Flayer5Makes it significantly easier to inflict wounds. Also deals much more additional non-elemental damage.
Earplugs1Reduces the effects of weak monster roars.
Adaptability1Negates the effects of heat and cold.
Blight Resistance2Reduces the duration of all elemental blights by 75%.
Windproof2Negates minor and major wind pressure and halves the effects of dragon wind pressure.
Tremor Resistance2Nullifies up to minor ground tremors and greatly reduces the effects of major ground tremors.