Dober α

Dober Helm αHead armor fashioned from obsidian bone of unknown provenance. It resembles an all-powerful monster.
Dober Mail αChest armor fashioned from obsidian bone of unknown provenance. It resembles an all-powerful monster.
Dober Vambraces αArmguards made of unknown black bones, which surely belonged to a mighty beast.
Dober Coil αWaistgear made of unknown black bones, perhaps from an ancient dragon king.
Dober Greaves αLeg armor fashioned from obsidian bone of unknown provenance. It resembles an all-powerful monster.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadDober Helm α56-20-1-14
ChestDober Mail α56-20-1-14
ArmsDober Vambraces α56-20-1-14
WaistDober Coil α56-20-1-14
LegsDober Greaves α56-20-1-14
SlotsEquipment Skills
HeadDober Helm α[3][0][0]
ChestDober Mail α[3][2][0]
ArmsDober Vambraces α[3][0][0]
WaistDober Coil α[3][1][0]
LegsDober Greaves α[2][2][0]
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Constitution5Reduces fixed stamina depletion by 50%.
Stamina Surge3Stamina recovery speed +50%
Marathon Runner3Reduces continuous stamina depletion by 50%.
Mushroomancer2Additionally lets you digest nitroshrooms and parashrooms.