Kut-Ku β

Kut-Ku Helm βHead armor made from superior Yian Kut-Ku parts. Its expert crafting brings to mind the bird-like beast.
Kut-Ku Mail βChest armor made from Yian Kut-Ku materials. Its unique color evokes thoughts of a foreign land.
Kut-Ku Vambraces βArmguards made from Yian Kut-Ku materials. The otherworldly pink plating repels even wyvern fangs.
Kut-Ku Coil βWaistgear crafted from Yian Kut-Ku parts. Beware of its sharp, spine-covered exterior!
Kut-Ku Greaves βLeg armor made from Yian Kut-Ku spoils. The exceptional design prioritizes ease of movement.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadKut-Ku Helm β3630-2-42
ChestKut-Ku Mail β3630-2-42
ArmsKut-Ku Vambraces β3630-2-42
WaistKut-Ku Coil β3630-2-42
LegsKut-Ku Greaves β3630-2-42
SlotsEquipment Skills
HeadKut-Ku Helm β[2][1][0]
ChestKut-Ku Mail β[2][0][0]
ArmsKut-Ku Vambraces β[2][1][1]
WaistKut-Ku Coil β[1][0][0]
LegsKut-Ku Greaves β[2][1][0]
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Scale Layering5
Constitution4Reduces fixed stamina depletion by 40%.
Agitator2Attack +8 and affinity +5% while active.
Recovery Up2Moderately increases recovery.