Chatacabra α

Chatacabra Helm αChatacabra head armor. The design is specially tailored for desert hunting.
Chatacabra Mail αChatacabra chest armor. Equipped with generous elastic cushioning in the collar.
Chatacabra Vambraces αChatacabra armguards. They protect the wrists without hampering weapon handling.
Chatacabra Coil αChatacabra waistgear. The charming, heart-shaped pouch is made from its ample tongue.
Chatacabra Greaves αLeg armor made from Chatacabra spoils. A loose fit for maximum mobility.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadChatacabra Helm α3612-3-11
ChestChatacabra Mail α3612-3-11
ArmsChatacabra Vambraces α3612-3-11
WaistChatacabra Coil α3612-3-11
LegsChatacabra Greaves α3612-3-11
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Flexible Leathercraft5
Speed Eating3Greatly increases eating speed.
Wide-Range2Items affect nearby allies in a wider radius with 33% of their efficacy.
Weakness Exploit2Attacks that hit weak points gain affinity +10%, with an extra 5% on wounds.
Item Prolonger3Item effect duration +50%