Gore α

Gore Helm αA helmet made from Gore Magala spoils. The nether-black surface thrums with its late master's power.
Gore Mail αChest armor made from Gore Magala spoils. Its agonizing miasma sends prey screaming to the netherworld.
Gore Vambraces αArmguards made from Gore Magala materials. Even the largest prey will be drawn into oblivion.
Gore Coil αWaistgear made from Gore Magala materials. Darkens the world and seduces prey toward certain demise.
Gore Greaves αLeg armor made from Gore Magala materials. Spirits you across hunting grounds as fast as the wind.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadGore Helm α60-23-12-1
ChestGore Mail α60-23-12-1
ArmsGore Vambraces α60-23-12-1
WaistGore Coil α60-23-12-1
LegsGore Greaves α60-23-12-1
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Gore Magala's Tyranny5
Scaling Prowess5
Evade Window5Massively increases invulnerability window.
Coalescence1When active, grants a slight increase to elemental damage and status buildup.
Antivirus3Greatly increases recovery rate after contracting the Frenzy. Affinity +15% if cured.
Constitution4Reduces fixed stamina depletion by 40%.
Flinch Free2Prevents knockbacks. Tripping is reduced to a knockback instead.