Nerscylla α

Nerscylla Helm αA helmet made from Nerscylla spoils. Protection this durable requires masterful precision and execution.
Nerscylla Mail αChest armor made from Nerscylla materials. Advanced engineering makes it feel impossibly light.
Nerscylla Vambraces αArmguards made from Nerscylla spoils. Extra play in the fingers helps improve weapon handling.
Nerscylla Coil αWaistgear made from Nerscylla spoils. A work of art that exhibits a deep dedication to armor craft.
Nerscylla Greaves αLeg armor made from Nerscylla spoils. It keeps hunters light on their feet and looking good in action.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadNerscylla Helm α38-22-212
ChestNerscylla Mail α38-22-212
ArmsNerscylla Vambraces α38-22-212
WaistNerscylla Coil α38-22-212
LegsNerscylla Greaves α38-22-212
SlotsEquipment Skills
HeadNerscylla Helm α[0][0][0]
ChestNerscylla Mail α[0][0][0]
ArmsNerscylla Vambraces α[1][0][0]
WaistNerscylla Coil α[0][0][0]
LegsNerscylla Greaves α[1][0][0]
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Neopteron Alert5
Bind Resistance2Allows you to very quickly recover from webbed status or frostblight.
Poison Resistance3Prevents poison.
Ambush3Attack +15% while active.
Weakness Exploit1Attacks that hit weak points gain affinity +5%, with an extra 3% on wounds.
Sleep Resistance3Prevents sleep.