Gypceros α

Gypceros Helm αHead armor made from Gypceros spoils. Its elasticity makes physical attacks bounce right off!
Gypceros Mail αChest armor made from Gypceros materials. Its elastic qualities provide reliable impact resistance.
Gypceros Vambraces αArmguards made from Gypceros spoils. The springy nature of the material renders lesser attacks meaningless.
Gypceros Coil αWaistgear made from Gypceros materials. The thick, meaty skin provides ample protection.
Gypceros Greaves αLeg armor made from Gypceros spoils. The springy material is undeniably more comfortable than metal.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadGypceros Helm α36-434-11
ChestGypceros Mail α36-434-11
ArmsGypceros Vambraces α36-434-11
WaistGypceros Coil α36-434-11
LegsGypceros Greaves α36-434-11
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Flexible Leathercraft5
Stamina Surge3Stamina recovery speed +50%
Blindsider1Improves the effectiveness of flash attacks and items.
Poison Resistance2Greatly reduces the number of times you take poison damage.
Resentment4Attack +20 while active.
Marathon Runner2Reduces continuous stamina depletion by 30%.