Guild Ace α

Guild Ace Earrings αHead protection worn by an Astrum Unit hunter. Crafted with special protections exclusive to veterans.
Guild Ace Mail αChest armor worn by an Astrum Unit hunter. Looks plain, but is quite bespoke on closer inspection.
Guild Ace Vambraces αArmguards worn by an Astrum Unit hunter. Primarily made of leather to make weapon handling a breeze.
Guild Ace Coil αWaistgear worn by an Astrum Unit hunter. Ensures you can get what you need when you need it.
Guild Ace Boots αLeg armor worn by an Astrum Unit hunter. The design was carefully calibrated to traverse any terrain.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadGuild Ace Earrings α6022222
ChestGuild Ace Mail α6022222
ArmsGuild Ace Vambraces α6022222
WaistGuild Ace Coil α6022222
LegsGuild Ace Boots α6022222
SlotsEquipment Skills
HeadGuild Ace Earrings α[3][0][0]
ChestGuild Ace Mail α[3][0][0]
ArmsGuild Ace Vambraces α[3][0][0]
WaistGuild Ace Coil α[3][0][0]
LegsGuild Ace Boots α[3][0][0]
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Peak Performance5Attack +20 while active.
Foray5Attack +15 and affinity +20% against large monsters affected by poison or paralysis.
Constitution5Reduces fixed stamina depletion by 50%.