Guardian Arkveld β

G. Arkveld Helm βGuardian Arkveld head armor. A host of heightened senses make up for the narrow view.
G. Arkveld Mail βGuardian Arkveld chest armor. It beckons forth a shudder of indescribable power.
G. Arkveld Vambraces βGuardian Arkveld armguards. Instills the desire to tear at friend and foe alike.
G. Arkveld Coil βGuardian Arkveld waistgear. The chains writhe subtly, eager to ensnare prey.
G. Arkveld Greaves βGuardian Arkveld leg armor. Their power grows with each relentless, hungry step.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadG. Arkveld Helm β6620-10-4
ChestG. Arkveld Mail β6620-10-4
ArmsG. Arkveld Vambraces β6620-10-4
WaistG. Arkveld Coil β6620-10-4
LegsG. Arkveld Greaves β6620-10-4
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Guardian Arkveld's Vitality5
Guardian's Protection5
Flayer4Makes it much easier to inflict wounds. Also deals more additional non-elemental damage.
Partbreaker1Increases part damage and damage dealt when conditions are met by 10%.
Blight Resistance2Reduces the duration of all elemental blights by 75%.
Weakness Exploit3Attacks that hit weak points gain affinity +15%, with an extra 10% on wounds.
Elemental Absorption1While active, slightly increases elemental attack, and resistance to element taken at activation by 4.