
Conga HelmHead armor made from Congalala materials. Remember: it's "feral," not "unkempt."
Conga MailChest armor made from Congalala materials. The shocks of monster fur help hunters keep it wild.
Conga VambracesArmguards made from Congalala materials. Crudely made but highly protective.
Conga CoilWaistgear made from Congalala materials, complete with an array of handy pockets!
Conga GreavesGreaves made of Congalala parts. Wild crafting perfect for those who run in the wilderness.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadConga Helm8-311-12
ChestConga Mail8-311-12
ArmsConga Vambraces8-311-12
WaistConga Coil8-311-12
LegsConga Greaves8-311-12
SlotsEquipment Skills
HeadConga Helm[0][0][0]
ChestConga Mail[0][0][0]
ArmsConga Vambraces[0][0][0]
WaistConga Coil[0][0][0]
LegsConga Greaves[0][0][0]
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Fortifying Pelt5
Mushroomancer3Additionally lets you digest mandragoras, devil's blight, and exciteshrooms.
Stench Resistance2Prevents stench.