
Balahara HelmA Balahara helmet covered in roughly polished protrusions to strongly evoke its namesake.
Balahara MailBalahara chest armor. The bulky shoulders are roomy enough to allow ample movement.
Balahara VambracesBalahara armguards. The spikes are arranged artfully in a way that maximizes movement.
Balahara CoilBalahara waistgear. The fabric is colored a shade of red that stirs a competitive spirit.
Balahara GreavesSpiny Balahara leg armor. The carapace has been split into clever, fluid parts.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadBalahara Helm12-12-311
ChestBalahara Mail12-12-311
ArmsBalahara Vambraces12-12-311
WaistBalahara Coil12-12-311
LegsBalahara Greaves12-12-311
SlotsEquipment Skills
HeadBalahara Helm[0][0][0]
ChestBalahara Mail[0][0][0]
ArmsBalahara Vambraces[0][0][0]
WaistBalahara Coil[0][0][0]
LegsBalahara Greaves[0][0][0]
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Scaling Prowess5
Hunger Resistance1Extends the time until your stamina cap reduces by 50%.
Quick Sheathe1Slightly increases sheathing speed.
Evade Extender3Greatly extends evasion distance.