Ajarakan α

Ajarakan Helm αImposing Ajarakan head armor. Donning it will draw the fires from within to burst forth.
Ajarakan Mail αAjarakan chest armor. The heat of its flames warns prey of their final immolation.
Ajarakan Vambraces αMighty Ajarakan armguards. They have just as much ground-shaking power as their namesake.
Ajarakan Coil αAjarakan waistgear. It acts as a tether to quell the wearer's exploding rage.
Ajarakan Greaves αFlame crested Ajarakan leg armor. A heat so fierce that each step makes the earth shudder in agony.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadAjarakan Helm α483-31-20
ChestAjarakan Mail α483-31-20
ArmsAjarakan Vambraces α483-31-20
WaistAjarakan Coil α483-31-20
LegsAjarakan Greaves α483-31-20
SlotsEquipment Skills
HeadAjarakan Helm α[1][0][0]
ChestAjarakan Mail α[1][0][0]
ArmsAjarakan Vambraces α[2][0][0]
WaistAjarakan Coil α[1][0][0]
LegsAjarakan Greaves α[0][0][0]
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Fortifying Pelt5
Resentment5Attack +25 while active.
Bombardier3Explosive power +30%
Blast Resistance3Prevents blastblight.