Xu Wu β

Xu Wu Helm βConcealing Xu Wu head armor. Fitting attire for hunters who dwell in darkness.
Xu Wu Mail βXu Wu chest armor. The long scarf can be used as protective gear and multi-purpose rope.
Xu Wu Vambraces βXu Wu armguards. The clever design gives the wearer's fingers a nimble edge even in the dark.
Xu Wu Coil βSlinky Xu Wu waistgear. The uniquely textured leather moves silent as a whisper.
Xu Wu Greaves βXu Wu leg armor. Meticulously crafted to allow the wearer to slink silently through the dark.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadXu Wu Helm β48111-32
ChestXu Wu Mail β48111-32
ArmsXu Wu Vambraces β48111-32
WaistXu Wu Coil β48111-32
LegsXu Wu Greaves β48111-32
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Xu Wu's Vigor5
Buttery Leathercraft5
Adrenaline Rush3Attack +20 while active.
Heroics4Attack +10% and defense +100 while active.
Earplugs2Nullifies weak monster roars and reduces the effects of strong monster roars.