
Rompopolo HelmRompopolo head armor. The mask is needed to ward off the material's residual toxins.
Rompopolo MailWell-padded Rompopolo chest armor. The fabric contains poison that—supposedly—never leaks.
Rompopolo VambracesRompopolo armguards. The poisonous needles in the claws are neat, but tricky to use.
Rompopolo CoilRompopolo waistgear fully equipped with instruments needed to handle poison.
Rompopolo GreavesRompopolo leg armor. Careful you don't accidentally lean on those spare vials of poison...
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadRompopolo Helm180-3001
ChestRompopolo Mail180-3001
ArmsRompopolo Vambraces180-3001
WaistRompopolo Coil180-3001
LegsRompopolo Greaves180-3001
SlotsEquipment Skills
HeadRompopolo Helm[0][0][0]
ChestRompopolo Mail[0][0][0]
ArmsRompopolo Vambraces[0][0][0]
WaistRompopolo Coil[0][0][0]
LegsRompopolo Greaves[0][0][0]
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Flexible Leathercraft5
Wide-Range5Items affect nearby allies in a much wider radius with full efficacy.
Poison Resistance2Greatly reduces the number of times you take poison damage.