Rey Dau α

Rey Sandhelm αRey Dau head armor. Its crest reaches the heavens—proof that this creature bows to no one.
Rey Sandmail αRey Dau chest armor. Its carapace has been meticulously paneled into a bastion of defense.
Rey Sandbraces αRey Dau armguards. A lingering charge gives the wearer a grip like a vice.
Rey Sandcoil αRey Dau waistgear. The faintly glowing buckle inspires awe and respect.
Rey Sandgreaves αRey Dau leg armor. A layer of latent electricity cushions blows and softens landings.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadRey Sandhelm α600-24-30
ChestRey Sandmail α600-24-30
ArmsRey Sandbraces α600-24-30
WaistRey Sandcoil α600-24-30
LegsRey Sandgreaves α600-24-30
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Rey Dau's Voltage5
Lord's Favor5
Latent Power5While active, affinity +50% and reduces stamina depletion by 50%.
Evade Extender1Slightly extends evasion distance.
Maximum Might3Affinity +30% while active
Stamina Surge3Stamina recovery speed +50%
Stun Resistance3Prevents stun.