Rathalos β

Rathalos Helm βHead armor crafted from Rathalos parts. Equivalent to a king's crown with unparalleled defense.
Rathalos Mail βChest armor made of Rathalos parts. Carved from the King of the Skies, it boasts overwhelming defense.
Rathalos Vambraces βCrafted from Rathalos parts. These armguards deliver sundering blows with the power of the King of the Skies.
Rathalos Coil βCrafted from Rathalos parts, this waistgear has the wearer appear as if they were a wyvern themself.
Rathalos Greaves βSturdy and supple, this Rathalos leg armor makes one as nimble as a fire wyvern mounting the skies.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadRathalos Helm β4831-21-3
ChestRathalos Mail β4831-21-3
ArmsRathalos Vambraces β4831-21-3
WaistRathalos Coil β4831-21-3
LegsRathalos Greaves β4831-21-3
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Rathalos's Flare5
Scale Layering5
Evade Window3Increases invulnerability window.
Constitution3Reduces fixed stamina depletion by 30%.
Adrenaline Rush4Attack +25 while active.