Leather α

Leather Headgear αHead armor made of treated monster hide. A safe choice, designed for multi-purpose use.
Leather Mail αSimple chest armor reinforced with monster hide. A design that maximizes wearability.
Leather Gloves αArmguards reinforced with monster hide. They're light, but provide ample protection.
Leather Belt αWaistgear reinforced with monster hide. Hunters swear by its no-nonsense functionality.
Leather Pants αLeg armor reinforced with monster hide. Molds to the body with extended use.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadLeather Headgear α2620000
ChestLeather Mail α2620000
ArmsLeather Gloves α2620000
WaistLeather Belt α2620000
LegsLeather Pants α2620000
SlotsEquipment Skills
HeadLeather Headgear α[1][0][0]
ChestLeather Mail α[1][0][0]
ArmsLeather Gloves α[1][0][0]
WaistLeather Belt α[1][1][0]
LegsLeather Pants α[1][0][0]
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Botanist4Additionally adds one extra consumable mushroom item per gather.
Item Prolonger2Item effect duration +25%
Hunger Resistance3Prevents your stamina cap from decreasing.