Guardian Rathalos

G. Rathalos HelmHead armor made from Guardian Rathalos spoils. To don it is to be seized by unspeakable cravings.
G. Rathalos MailChest armor made from Guardian Rathalos spoils. It instills a new vitality and sense of purpose.
G. Rathalos VambracesArmguards made from Guardian Rathalos spoils. They agitate the wearer unless in constant motion.
G. Rathalos CoilWaistgear made from Guardian Rathalos spoils. The white areas self-repair when damaged.
G. Rathalos GreavesLeg armor made from Guardian Rathalos spoils. Produces a faint white aura when worn.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadG. Rathalos Helm2631-21-5
ChestG. Rathalos Mail2631-21-5
ArmsG. Rathalos Vambraces2631-21-5
WaistG. Rathalos Coil2631-21-5
LegsG. Rathalos Greaves2631-21-5
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Rathalos's Flare5
Guardian's Pulse5
Weakness Exploit3Attacks that hit weak points gain affinity +15%, with an extra 10% on wounds.
Intimidator3Prevents monsters from engaging you even if you've been spotted.