Death Stench α

Death Stench Brain αAccursed armor, said to bring death. The wearer hears echoes of their victim's death throes.
Death Stench Muscle αArmor said to bring death. Unworldly light and penetratingly cold.
Death Stench Grip αArmor drenched in the stench of decay and a sensation as if the god of death resides within.
Death Stench Bowels αThis gear gives off a stench of decay, as though death's aroma permeates the air around you...
Death Stench Heel αModeled on the god of death. Hearing the black footsteps means your time has come.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadDeath Stench Brain α4432-234
ChestDeath Stench Muscle α4432-234
ArmsDeath Stench Grip α4432-234
WaistDeath Stench Bowels α4432-234
LegsDeath Stench Heel α4432-234
SlotsEquipment Skills
HeadDeath Stench Brain α[2][0][0]
ChestDeath Stench Muscle α[2][0][0]
ArmsDeath Stench Grip α[2][0][0]
WaistDeath Stench Bowels α[2][1][0]
LegsDeath Stench Heel α[2][1][0]
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Imparted Wisdom5
Resentment5Attack +25 while active.
Ambush3Attack +15% while active.
Intimidator2Highly discourages monsters from engaging you even if you've been spotted.
Stun Resistance2Reduces the duration of stun by 60%.