Commission α

Commission Helm αHead armor worn by hunters on an expedition to the New World. Sturdily made.
Commission Mail αChest armor worn by hunters on an expedition to the New World. Sturdily made.
Commission Vambraces αArmguards worn by hunters on an expedition to the New World. Sturdily made.
Commission Coil αWaistgear worn by hunters on an expedition to the New World. Sturdily made.
Commission Greaves αLeg armor worn by hunters on an expedition to the New World. Sturdily made.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadCommission Helm α4422000
ChestCommission Mail α4422000
ArmsCommission Vambraces α4422000
WaistCommission Coil α4422000
LegsCommission Greaves α4422000
SlotsEquipment Skills
HeadCommission Helm α[1][0][0]
ChestCommission Mail α[1][0][0]
ArmsCommission Vambraces α[1][0][0]
WaistCommission Coil α[1][0][0]
LegsCommission Greaves α[1][0][0]
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Agitator5Attack +20 and affinity +15% while active.
Maximum Might1Affinity +10% while active
Divine Blessing2While active, reduces damage taken by 30%.
Quick Sheathe2Increases sheathing speed.
Tool Specialist1Shortens recharge time by 10%.
Earplugs1Reduces the effects of weak monster roars.