Blango α

Blango Helm αHead armor made from Blangonga materials. Overflowing with the honor of a foreign god.
Blango Mail αChest armor made of Blangonga materials. It has a distinct, eastern feel to it.
Blango Vambraces αArmguards made from Blangonga parts. The tough pelt is woven with gentle, inspiring elegance.
Blango Coil αWaistgear made of Blangonga parts with technology from the "Eastern Land of the Gods."
Blango Greaves αLeg armor made from Blangonga spoils. The striking, exotic shapes draw from Far Eastern ritual garb.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadBlango Helm α48-41040
ChestBlango Mail α48-41040
ArmsBlango Vambraces α48-41040
WaistBlango Coil α48-41040
LegsBlango Greaves α48-41040
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Blangonga's Spirit5
Fortifying Pelt5
Wide-Range3Items affect nearby allies in a wider radius with 66% of their efficacy.
Counterstrike3Attack +25 while active. Extends effect time.
Agitator5Attack +20 and affinity +15% while active.
Item Prolonger2Item effect duration +25%
Palico Rally2Increases Palico attack power and defense by 10%.