Azuz α

Azuz Headdress αHeadwear worn in the village of the Everforge. The hairpin's fine details speak to the Bonefolk's artistry.
Azuz Apron αChest armor worn in the village of the Everforge. Large medallions denoting mastery are sewn on as reinforcement.
Azuz Pants αLegwear worn in the village of the Everforge. The rubbery, oil- based material is completely waterproof.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadAzuz Headdress α4441111
ChestAzuz Apron α4441111
LegsAzuz Pants α4441111
SlotsEquipment Skills
HeadAzuz Headdress α[2][0][0]
ChestAzuz Apron α[1][1][0]
LegsAzuz Pants α[2][1][1]
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Imparted Wisdom3Increases the chance of finding rare gathering points.
Maximum Might2Affinity +20% while active
Heroics3Attack +5% and defense +100 while active.
Geologist3Additionally adds one extra item when gathering from mining outcrops.