Arkveld β

Arkvulcan Helm βA helmet made from Arkveld spoils. The design was worn by a knight errant who reshaped the world.
Arkvulcan Mail βChest armor made from Arkveld spoils. The knight fearlessly broke the will of every adversary.
Arkvulcan Vambraces βArmguards made from Arkveld spoils. Legions a hundred thousand strong succumbed before the knight.
Arkvulcan Coil βWaistgear made from Arkveld spoils. Until the kingdom was restored, the knight bowed before no hardship.
Arkvulcan Greaves βLeg armor made from Arkveld spoils. No bloody war nor bitter loss could halt the knight's march to victory.
DefenseFire ResWater ResThunder ResIce ResDragon Res
HeadArkvulcan Helm β6620-10-3
ChestArkvulcan Mail β6620-10-3
ArmsArkvulcan Vambraces β6620-10-3
WaistArkvulcan Coil β6620-10-3
LegsArkvulcan Greaves β6620-10-3
Equipment SkillsLevelDescription
Arkveld's Hunger5
Alluring Pelt5
Convert Element3Further increases additional dragon damage and greatly increases dragon attack
Weakness Exploit3Attacks that hit weak points gain affinity +15%, with an extra 10% on wounds.
Recovery Speed1Doubles the speed at which you heal recoverable damage.
Quick Sheathe1Slightly increases sheathing speed.